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Use the formula KE = (1/2)mv2 (kinetic energy equals 1/2 times mass times the square of the velocity).

Use the formula KE = (1/2)mv2 (kinetic energy equals 1/2 times mass times the square of the velocity).

Use the formula KE = (1/2)mv2 (kinetic energy equals 1/2 times mass times the square of the velocity).

Use the formula KE = (1/2)mv2 (kinetic energy equals 1/2 times mass times the square of the velocity).

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14y ago
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1w ago

The potential energy of the object at the initial height is given by mgh, where m = 2 kg, g = 9.81 m/s^2, and h = 12 m. This equals 29.8112 = 235.44 J. All this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at the end of the fall, so 235.44 J = 0.5mv^2, where v is the speed. Solving for v gives v = sqrt(2*235.44/2) = 10.9 m/s.

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12y ago

Using conservation of energy means that potential energy is being converted into kinetic enegy and you can set the two equations equal.

PE = gmh and KE = 1/2mV2 become

gmh = 1/2mV2

mass can be algebraically eliminated

gh = 1/2V2

(9.8 m/s2)(12 m) = 1/2V2

117.6 = 1/2V2

multiply through by 2

235.2 = v2

take square root both sides

15 meters per second = velocity


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14y ago

Use the formula KE = (1/2)mv2 (kinetic energy equals 1/2 times mass times the square of the velocity).

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Q: A 2 kg object is dropped from a height of 12 m Using the conservation of energy calculate the speed it has at the end of the 12 m fall?
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What is the kinetic energy of an object weighing 65 kg dropped from a height of 40m?

The kinetic energy of the object can be calculated using the formula: KE = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. First, calculate the final velocity of the object using the formula: v = sqrt(2gh), where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) and h is the height (40m). Then plug in the values to find the kinetic energy.

What is the kinetic energy of a 2.512 gram penny is dropped from a height of 16.76 m the instant it strikes the ground?

The kinetic energy of the penny can be calculated using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity. First, calculate the velocity using the height dropped formula: v = sqrt(2 * g * h), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Then, substitute the values to find the kinetic energy.

What happens to the object's potential energy when it is dropped?

When an object is dropped, its potential energy decreases. This is because potential energy is a result of an object's position or height above the ground. As the object falls, it loses height, which leads to a decrease in potential energy. At the same time, the object gains kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.

How does the law of conservation apply to skatboarder on a half pipe?

The law of conservation of energy applies to a skateboarder on a half pipe by ensuring that the total mechanical energy in the system (potential energy due to height and kinetic energy due to motion) remains constant, neglecting any external forces like friction or air resistance. As the skateboarder moves up and down the half pipe, their potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and vice versa, but the total energy remains the same.

When dropped from this height the kinetic energy when it reaches the ground is equal to if the car was traveling at 100 km h The height from which the 1000 kg car is what?

Given that the kinetic energy of a falling object at a certain height is equal to the kinetic energy of a 1000 kg car traveling at 100 km/h, we can calculate the height. By equating the two kinetic energy equations and solving for height, we find that the car would need to be dropped from a height of approximately 69 meters.

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Is the height of a balls bounce affected by the height from which the ball i s dropped iv dv cv?

Yes, the height from which the ball is dropped will affect the height of its bounce. This relationship is known as the conservation of energy principle, where the potential energy of the ball at the initial drop height is converted into kinetic energy as it falls, leading to a bounce height determined by the conservation of energy equation.

Is the height of a ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes, the height of a ball's bounce is affected by the height from which it is dropped. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce height due to the conservation of mechanical energy. When the ball is dropped from a greater height, it gains more potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy during the bounce resulting in a higher bounce height.

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Yes, there is a relationship between the height the ball is dropped from and the height to which it bounces. In a simplified scenario, the higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce due to the conservation of energy and the conversion between potential and kinetic energy during the bounce.

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When a ball doesn't bounce back to its starting height after being dropped, it signifies that some of the potential energy that was present when the ball was held up (before being dropped) has been converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and sound upon hitting the ground. The total energy in the system remains the same, adhering to the law of conservation of energy.

How do I calculate formulas for the physics egg drop?

To calculate formulas for the physics egg drop, you will need to consider equations related to free fall, such as calculating velocity, height, or impact force. The key formula to consider is the equation for kinetic energy, which is 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. Additionally, you can use equations related to potential energy and conservation of energy to determine the height from which the egg is dropped or the impact force when it hits the ground.

What is the gravitational potential energy to a car that is 1500kg and is dropped from 50 meters?

After the car is dropped, it has NO gravitational potential energy.Before it's dropped, you can calculate the potential energy as mgh (mass x gravity x height). You can use 9.8 for gravity.

An object with a massof 100 grams (0.100 kg) is dropped from a certain height and has a velocity of 60 meterssecond. If the potential energy of this object is 179.99 joules how high was the object whe?

To calculate the height from which the object was dropped, we need to use the conservation of energy. The potential energy when the object was at the height can be equated to the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground. Potential Energy = Kinetic Energy mgh = 0.5mv^2 Where m = 0.1 kg, g = 9.8 m/s^2, v = 60 m/s Solving for h: h = (0.5 * 0.1 * 60^2) / (0.1 * 9.8) = 183.67 meters.

Is the height of a bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped (Variable)?

Yes, the height of a bounce is affected by the height from which the ball is dropped. The higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce back due to the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy during the bounce.

Does gravitational acceleration calculate potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy describes how much energy a body has in store by virtue of having been elevated to a specific height. The formula to calculate gravitational potential energy is:.U = mgh.Where:U is the potential energym is the mass of the objectg is the acceleration due to gravity, andh is the height the object will fall if dropped.

As the height of a dropped ball decreases what happens to its potential energy?

As the height of a dropped ball decreases, its potential energy also decreases. This is because potential energy is directly proportional to an object's height - the higher the object, the greater its potential energy.

Which has more kinetic energy a ball dropped from a height of 2m or a same ball dropped at 4m which has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?

The ball dropped from 4m height has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground because it has a higher velocity due to falling from a greater height. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both mass and the square of velocity, so the ball dropped from 4m height will have more kinetic energy than the one dropped from 2m height.

What is the relationship between the dropped height and the rebound height of dropped bouncy balls?

The rebound height of a dropped bouncy ball is generally lower than the dropped height due to energy losses from deformation and air resistance. However, for ideal elastic collisions, the rebound height is approximately equal to the dropped height.