The SI unit of voltage is the Volt, which is a derived unit equivalent to a Joule/Coulomb.
The unit commonly used to measure the volume of one teaspoon of cough syrup is milliliters (mL). One teaspoon is equivalent to approximately 5 milliliters of liquid.
A Gill is a unit of liquid volume,someting less than half a pint.
The capacity of a barrel is a measure of volume. The SI unit for volume is the cubic metre. A barrel with a volume of one cubic metre would a big barrel. It could be better to measure it in thousandths oh a cubic metre, a thousandth of a cubic metre is called a litre.
A common unit of measure for gems and stones is the carat. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams.
A barrel!
While a kilogram is a unit of mass, it can indirectly be used to measure the volume of a liquid by converting the mass to a volume using the liquid's density. The density of the liquid will determine how much volume is equivalent to a kilogram of that liquid.
No. Beakers measure liquid volume. Millimeters is not a unit of volume, and especially not a unit of liquid volume. Beakers usually measure in a fraction of a liter, such as a milliliter.
A milliliter is typically used to measure the volume of a liquid, such as water or oil. It is a unit of volume in the metric system, equivalent to one-thousandth of a liter.
Ancient Greek is the basic unit used to measure liquid. Ancient Greek can change location and epoch.
The same unit as you use to measure any mass. The SI unit for mass is the kilogram.
Milliliters (ml) is a common unit of measurement for liquid volume in the metric system. It is equivalent to one cubic centimeter. Millimeters (mm) are used to measure length, not liquid volume.
The SI unit of voltage is the Volt, which is a derived unit equivalent to a Joule/Coulomb.