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Net disbursement float is more desirable because the bank thinks the firm has more money than it

actually does, and the firm is therefore receiving interest on funds it has already spent.

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A firm typically prefers net collection float because it allows them to receive funds quicker by consolidating multiple incoming payments into one lump sum. This helps with cash flow management and reduces the risk of having various small amounts tied up in transit. Disbursement float, on the other hand, can delay payments and impact liquidity.

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Q: A firm prefer net collection or disbursement float?
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Do guys like a firm butt or a more cushiony butt?

Preferences for butt firmness can vary among individuals. Some people may prefer a firmer butt for reasons like aesthetics, while others may prefer a more cushiony butt for reasons like comfort. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what individuals find attractive.

What is firm equilibrium?

Firm equilibrium refers to a situation where a firm achieves a balance between its costs and revenues, maximizing profits. This is attained when the firm produces the level of output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. It represents the point of optimization for the firm.

Can a dominant firm wait out the attack of an underdog?

Usually yes... a dominant firm normally has the financial 'clout' to ride out a possible take-over from a smaller firm.

What is it called when a firm issues periodic reports?

periodic reports of a firm's financial position or operating results.

What is used in information systems to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment?

Monitoring tools and systems such as performance dashboards, key performance indicators (KPIs), and information systems that facilitate data collection, analysis, and reporting are commonly used to monitor the status of internal operations and a firm's relations with the external environment. These tools provide real-time insights into the organization's performance and help in making informed decisions based on the data gathered.

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What will reduce a firm's collection float?

Lock-box system: Under this system, firms hire a post office lock-box at important collection centres. Lockbox system is a collection procedure in which payers send their payments/cheques to a nearby post box that is emptied by the firm's bank several times and the bank deposits the cheque in the firm's account. It reduces the float by shortening the lethargy as well as postal and bank floats. installing a lockbox system is answer

Are your rights the same if your credit card debt went to a legal firm and not a collection agency or is a legal firm considered a collection agency?

Yes, a collections law firm, is still defined under the FDCPA as a collector. They are required to follow the same regulations that apply to a regular collection agency.

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Why would an entrepreneur prefer to launch an entirely new venture rather than buy an existing firm?

the firm might have a bad track record

What are the factors that can affect cash inflow?

Check payments "mailed out" to firms will delay the infow of cash to the firm receiving the payment, look-up "mail float". Then the time it takes a bank to clear a check, look-up "clearing float". Another factor is the locations of the P.O. boxes where the firm receives its payments, it should always be near the firm's office collecting disbursements.

What is a letter of collection from a collections law firm?

A collection letter from a la firm is the same as a collection letter from any other debt collection agency. The Supreme Court has held that lawyers that participate in the collection of debts are considered "debt collectors" under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act," and therefore must comply with all of its mandates. That means the correspondence you first receive from them must identify the creditor, the amount of the debt, and advise you of your right to dispute and seek validation ofthe debtwithin the 30 days following the receipt of the letter.

Guys- which do you prefer jiggly wiggly breasts or firmer toned breasts?

it all depends on the person, being a guy, i prefer firm yet that is just myself, i have friends that prefer your so called jiggly wiggly boobs

Why the main objective of a firm is to maximize profit?

Because they need money to stay at float and be able to compete with other companies.

Does the law firm that seeking payment of a debt own the debt that was originally owned by a creditor?

Generally collection law firms or a collection attorney is working for the original creditor or the third party creditor who purchased the debt. It is not possible to say if the firm is working on a percentage basis, contracted or and independent.

What does a high average collection period indicate?

A high average collection period indicates that a firm is having trouble collecting its outstanding credit, thereby transferring it to their accounts receivables. It could be because of policy - maybe no fees, or the management in charge of collection is not doing their job.

Why might entrepreneur prefer to lunch an entirely new venture rather than buy an existing firm?

If he buys an existing firm, notwithstanding it's possible potential, he is also buying it's inherent problems. If he founds a new firm, he at least does not inherit any potential problems.

Is a firm bed better during sex?

Depends on what you prefer, a bouncy bed is more fun but squeaky, whereas a firm bed makes hardly any noise, and is stable for certain sex positions that require stability.