A flat surface of a solid is usually the face of the solid.
Also sometimes called a "facet", particularly on solids having very many flat faces.
A flat side on a solid object means that the surface area is planar and does not curve or bulge in any way. It is a straight and continuous section of the object that does not have any bumps or indentations. It provides a stable base for the object to rest on or be positioned upright.
It is called a side vent.
The Newtonian reflector has a convex primary mirror and a flat secondary mirror with the eyepiece located on the top side of the telescope tube.
spongy solids are those solids which are porous...................simple and straight forward...
The solar system appears flat when viewed from the side because the planets orbit the sun in roughly the same plane called the ecliptic. This alignment creates the appearance of a flat disk when observed from a different perspective.
The flat side so the solid that lays flat without moving.
Circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles are solids that have a flat surface.
Cube, rectangular prism
A cylinder
A cube has six flat surfaces, but so do other solids. Look up 'hexahedron' in wikipedia.
Answer:No, A Sphere Is Completely Round it Has No Flat Side what So Ever.
A cone.