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volume = mass/density

mass = (204.69-96.94) = 107.75 g

density = 13.53 g/cm3

volume = 107.75g / (13.53 g/cm3)

volume = 7.96 cm3

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1mo ago

To find the volume of the vial, we first need to calculate the mass of the liquid Mercury. Mass of liquid mercury = 204.69 g - 96.94 g = 107.75 g Now, we can use the density of mercury (13.53 g/cm^3) to find the volume: Volume = Mass / Density = 107.75 g / 13.53 g/cm^3 ≈ 7.97 cm^3.

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Q: An empty vial has a mass of 96.94 g If the vial has a mass of 204.69 g when completely filled with liquid mercury d 13.53 gcm3 what is the volume of the vial?
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