Yes, it is the unit for distance and can be used to derive those for volume and area.
Meters in the metric system is equal to the unit of length.
Yes, meters are a unit of length in the metric system.
The metric system uses kilograms, seconds and meters. Meters is a measurement typically used only in the metric system.Some units in the metric system are meters, centimeters, millimeters, and liters.
The two systems of measurement in chemistry are the metric system and the International System of Units (SI). The metric system uses units such as meters, grams, and liters, while the SI system builds upon the metric system and includes base units such as meters, kilograms, and seconds.
A metric unit is a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system, based on meters and kilograms and seconds.
Meters in the metric system is equal to the unit of length.
The Decimal Metric System (litres, meters, kilograms).
In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.
Yes, meters are a unit of length in the metric system.
No, centimeters and other --meters are the metric system.
The metric system uses kilograms, seconds and meters. Meters is a measurement typically used only in the metric system.Some units in the metric system are meters, centimeters, millimeters, and liters.
The metric system
The metric system
no, length is in Meters