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Metallic and non-metallic is one of many ways of categorizing chemical elements.

Metallic elements have a structure that allows free electrons to migrate from atom to atom within the structure of the material. These are called "conductors".

Nonmetallic elements generally prevent the movement of electrons from atom to atom; they are "insulators".

Starting after World War II, Dr. Robert Shockley developed another class of materials that sometimes would, and sometimes would not, conduct electricity. He called these "semi-conductors", and his discoveries form the basics of modern electronics.

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Atoms are classified into metallic and nonmetallic based on their physical and chemical properties. Metal atoms tend to have low ionization energies, are good conductors of electricity, and exhibit a shiny appearance. Nonmetal atoms, on the other hand, have higher ionization energies, are poor conductors of electricity, and often display a dull appearance.

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Q: Are two types of atoms metallic and nonmetallic?
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What are two or more atoms combined together called?

There is no single description for the combination of two undefined elements:if they are the same element and nonmetallic, it would be a molecule.if they are the same metallic element, they would form a metallic structure.if they are different elements and are both nonmetallic, they could be described as either a compound or a molecule (or both; a molecular compound).if they are both metals, they would form an alloy.if one is metallic and one is nonmetallic, they would form a compound, specifically an ionic compound.

Two nonmetallic atoms react and a compound is formed The compound has what type of bonding?

The compound likely has covalent bonding. In covalent bonding, nonmetallic atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell, forming a stable compound. This type of bonding typically occurs between atoms of similar electronegativity.

What kind of bond will result when two identical non metallic atoms combine?


What are the types of atomic bonding?

Atomic bonds are basic building blocks of all types of matter. Starting with ionic bond it is when one atom donates one or more electrons to another atom, covalent bond is formed two atom share the electron, polar covalent bond is when electrons are shared by two metallic atoms and metallic bond can be shared between any of the metal atoms.

Are metallic and glassy two types of cleavage?

No, metallic and glassy are not types of cleavage. Metallic refers to a type of luster in minerals, while glassy describes the appearance of a mineral's surface. Cleavage refers to the way a mineral breaks along planes of weakness.

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What are facts about luster?

The Luster of a mineral is it's appearance in the light. Also there are two types of Luster, metallic and nonmetallic.

What are the types of luster?

The first one is metallic luster and it has the look of a polished metal. The second one is sub-metallic and it has the look of a metal that has been damaged by weathering or corrosion. The last one is nonmetallic and it doesn't have the look of metal.

Are Two kinds of luster are?

The two main types of luster are metallic and non-metallic. Metallic luster appears shiny and reflective like metal, while non-metallic luster can vary and includes categories like vitreous (glassy), pearly, greasy, and silky.

What are two or more atoms combined together called?

There is no single description for the combination of two undefined elements:if they are the same element and nonmetallic, it would be a molecule.if they are the same metallic element, they would form a metallic structure.if they are different elements and are both nonmetallic, they could be described as either a compound or a molecule (or both; a molecular compound).if they are both metals, they would form an alloy.if one is metallic and one is nonmetallic, they would form a compound, specifically an ionic compound.

Are binary molecular compounds made of metallic elements or nonmetallic elements?

Binary molecular compounds are composed of two nonmetallic elements.

What type of elements typically compose molecular compounds?

Molecular compounds are typically composed of nonmetals elements. These elements share electrons to form covalent bonds, resulting in molecules with stable structures. Common examples of molecular compounds include water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

How do you describe ceramics in one or two easy to understand sentences?

a compound contain metallic and non metallic elements. typical nonmetallic elements are oxygen nitrogen and carbon.

What are the two main types of mineral?

Metallic and non-metallic.

What are two main types of lusters?

metallic and non-metallic

What are the two main types of luster mineral?

Metallic and non-metallic.

Do metallic bonds bond identical atoms together?

Metallic bonds bond identical atoms together if they are both metal atoms, but not if they are other identical atoms. For example, the bonds holding two chlorine atoms together to make Cl2 are not metallic bonds.

Is a metallic bond similar to polyatomic?

No, a metallic bond is the sharing of delocalized electrons among a lattice of metal atoms, giving rise to properties like electrical conductivity and malleability. Polyatomic refers to molecules composed of more than two atoms held together by covalent bonds. The two are distinct in their structures and bonding types.