It weighs 300 kilograms. That's 660 pounds for Americans.
Approximately 661.38 pounds equates to 300 kg.The following formulas can help you make these types of conversions:To convert pounds to kg: pounds x 0.453 = kgTo convert kg to pounds: kg x 2.204 = pounds
~113.4-136kg (Each pound is 0.4539237 kilograms)
300 kilograms is 661.39 pounds.
There are 453.59237 grams in one pound. Therefore to get amount of pounds in grams, value in grams has to be divided by amount of grams in one pound:300 grams = [grams] / 453.59237 = 300 / 453.59237 = 0.6614 pounds300 grams is about 0.66 pounds.
Yes. very fat
5kg is equivalent to approximately 11 pounds.
300 pounds or over --- It depends on your height. normally if your over 200 pounds your on the edge but im 5,7 and 131
no it isn't its normal
No, it does not.
about 70 to 90 pounds
5 Liters is equal to about 11 pounds.
Is an 11 year old considered fat if she is 4 feet and 8 inches and weighs 91 pounds?
no cause I'm not fat
300 pounds is equal to approximately 136 kilograms.