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At 20 miles per hour the average driver from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brake will travel about 44 feet.

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3w ago

At 20 mph, the average driver will travel approximately 88 feet before hitting the brakes. This accounts for the time it takes for the driver to perceive the need to stop and physically apply the brakes.

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Q: At 20 mph the average driver will travel how many feet before they hit the brakes?
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Depends on the type of vehicle you are driving, road conditions, driver reaction time, etc. The average car will take 121 feet to stop after the brakes are applied. Factor in reaction time and the car will travel 265 feet before it stops.

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It will take an average of 229 feet to stop after going 50 miles per hours after seeing danger to stop. This will vary according to condition of brakes and drivers reaction time.

When traveling 55 mph how many feet do you need to stop?

Depends on the type of vehicle you are driving, road conditions, driver reaction time, etc. The average car will take 121 feet to stop after the brakes are applied. Factor in reaction time and the car will travel 265 feet before it stops.

When traveling at 55 mph how many feet do you need to stop?

Depends on the type of vehicle you are driving, road conditions, driver reaction time, etc. The average car will take 121 feet to stop after the brakes are applied. Factor in reaction time and the car will travel 265 feet before it stops.

How many feet will the average driver going 50 mph travel from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brakes?

to my expierience in my current vehicle I have calculated that I can make an emergency break at 50 miles per hour of 8 to 12 feet.

How many feet will average driver going 50 mph travel from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brakes?

to my expierience in my current vehicle I have calculated that I can make an emergency break at 50 miles per hour of 8 to 12 feet.