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Use equation n=PV/RT where n is number of moles and R is gas constant. Use R= .8314 L-Atm/mol-K. convert 3 ml to liters(3/1000) and 100C to Kelvin (100+273) and solve for moles.

Convert moles to grams. 1 mol of N2 equals 28 grams

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3w ago

To calculate the mass of N2 gas required, you can use the ideal gas law equation, PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature in Kelvin. First, you need to convert the volume to liters and the temperature to Kelvin. Then, rearrange the equation to solve for n, which represents the number of moles. Finally, convert moles to grams using the molar mass of N2 gas.

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Q: Calculate the mass grams of N2 gas required to occupy a 3.0 mL container at 100 C and 0.914 ATM and explain how you did it?
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Which sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container?

A gas sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container because gas particles are highly compressible and move freely within the container to fill all available space. Liquids also take the shape of their container but may not occupy the total volume due to intermolecular forces preventing complete expansion. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, so they do not conform to the shape of their container.

Do liquid and gas take up the same space as the container?

Gas will expand to completely fill the volume of the container it is in, while a liquid will conform to the shape of the container but will maintain a constant volume. So while a gas can take up the full space of the container, a liquid will only occupy the space within the container.

Fixed volume but match their container?

If a fixed volume of gas is placed in a container, it will expand or contract to match the volume of the container. This is because gases have the ability to fill the entire volume of their container, assuming no other forces are applied. As the container size changes, the gas molecules will adjust by moving closer together or farther apart to occupy the new volume.

Do all Liquids have a fixed volume nd takes the shape of its container?

Yes, liquids have a fixed volume but not a fixed shape. They take the shape of their container due to their ability to flow and assume the shape of the space they occupy.

What final volume will the gas occupy after the stopcock is open?

The answer will be the sum of the Flask A and Flask B. The Reason: A gas occupies all the space within a container.

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The volume of the container remains the same, but the level of the container will increase to accommodate the rock.

Which sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container?

A gas sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container because gas particles are highly compressible and move freely within the container to fill all available space. Liquids also take the shape of their container but may not occupy the total volume due to intermolecular forces preventing complete expansion. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, so they do not conform to the shape of their container.

Which of the following adopts the shape of a container solids liquids or gases?

Liquids and gases adopt the shape of their container, while solids maintain their own shape regardless of the container.

A 1-gram sample of which substance in a sealed 1-liter container will occupy the container completely and uniformly?

A 1-gram sample of a noble gas, such as helium, in a sealed 1-liter container will occupy the container completely and uniformly. The noble gas atoms are non-reactive and have low mass, allowing them to distribute evenly across the container due to their high kinetic energy and lack of attractive intermolecular forces.

What doesnt have a fixed shape or volume?

Gases do not have a fixed shape or volume; they expand to completely fill the container they occupy.

How do gases fill a container?

Gases fill a container by spreading out to occupy all available space within the container. This is due to the high kinetic energy and random motion of gas particles, which allows them to move freely and fill the space evenly.

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Because when it is cooled, the air inside contracts, or shrinks, so to avoid creating a void the container will crush inward to occupy the space.

Why gases occupy available space?

Gases occupy the available space because their particles move freely and rapidly in all directions. This means they will fill any volume or container they are in as they spread out to evenly distribute themselves.

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Gas will expand to completely fill the volume of the container it is in, while a liquid will conform to the shape of the container but will maintain a constant volume. So while a gas can take up the full space of the container, a liquid will only occupy the space within the container.

Does sugar granules occupies space?

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