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Certainly. Your soil may be richer in nutrients than many others. Some plants may be doing fine with no or little fertilizer, and if it needs only a slight boost, less is better than too much. Should there be signs of a deficiency, then use the recommended amount.

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4mo ago

Yes, it is possible to give plants less fertilizer than the package recommends. Too much fertilizer can harm plants, so it's important to follow a conservative approach when fertilizing. Start with a smaller amount and observe how the plant responds before increasing the dosage.

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Q: Can you give plants less fertilizer than the package says to?
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How much fertilizer do you apply per acre?

In order to calculate a fertilizer application rate, you will need: (1) the N-P2O5-K2O content of the material from the package label, (2) your target rate (normally from a soil test), (3) the total area you will be applying to, and (4) the density of the material if a liquid fertilizer is to be used.

Water insoluble fertilizer?

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What is the best succulent plant food?

A balanced liquid fertilizer specifically formulated for succulents, such as a 2-7-7 NPK ratio, is recommended. It's important not to over-fertilize, so dilute the fertilizer to half strength or less when feeding your succulents. Additionally, consider using a slow-release fertilizer mixed into the soil during repotting for long-term feeding.

Why is calcium phosphate not suitable as fertilizer?

Calcium phosphate is not suitable as a fertilizer because it is not readily available to plants in a form they can easily use. It has low solubility and tends to release nutrients slowly over time, making it less effective for promoting quick plant growth. Additionally, using calcium phosphate in excess can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil.

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Hugas bigas, or rice water, contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which are essential for plant growth. When diluted properly, it can act as a natural fertilizer to provide these nutrients to plants, helping them grow healthy and strong. Additionally, it can improve soil structure and enhance microbial activity in the soil.

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Why is miracle grow so good?

Miracle-Gro is considered good because it is specifically formulated with essential nutrients needed by plants for healthy growth. It provides a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as other micronutrients to help plants thrive. Additionally, it is easy to use and is available in various forms to suit different types of plants and gardening needs.

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less than 10 days for a normal package.

Is sodium nitrate a good fertilizer?

Sodium nitrate can be used as a fertilizer, primarily as a source of nitrogen for plants. However, it is less commonly used compared to other nitrogen-based fertilizers due to its higher cost and potential negative environmental impacts like groundwater contamination. Other options like ammonium nitrate or urea are more commonly used for fertilizing plants.