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Note: The latest types of Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor (GFCI) are also called Residual Current Devices (RCDs).

"Can you put a GFCI into a circuit with a GFCI?" is probably the same question as "What if two GFCI are in series in a circuit?" and the answer is that one GFCI will most likely trip earlier than the other to break the circuit. Which one will trip first depends on the actual difference in sensitivity between the two GFCIs. Leakage currents are measured in mA (1 mA = 1 thousandth of an Ampere) and GFCIs are designed to trip at a certain leakage current with a tolerance of say + or - 3%. So if the basic trip current was 20 milliamps one GFCI might trip at 19.4 mA and the other at 20.6 mA and they would both be within the design specification. The one that trips at 19.4 mA would be expected to trip first. <><><> This question requires answering by a VERY knowledgeable electrician, or an electrical engineer. I am neither, but until the right answer comes along, I will attempt to provide some information which hopefully will allow a better understanding of the issues involved. A GFCI [ground fault circuit interrupter] is much different from, although similar to, a circuit breaker. The DIFFERENCE is WHAT they are designed to detect and react to. The purpose of a fuse or circuit breaker is to detect excess or MASSIVE current flow [ie. a SHORT CIRCUIT, a direct short to ground], and then very quickly turn off the electrical current to the circuit, in order TO PREVENT a FIRE. This is the only thing the breaker is designed and intended to do. This limited capability will not prevent a person from being electrocuted when a fault occurs within an electrical device, if the current flow happens to be low. Voltage and current faults which can kill a person usually will not be detected by a circuit breaker. A ground fault circuit interrupter [GFCI], on the other hand, is designed to, and will, detect those low level currents which can kill a person, BUT which are not great enough to trip a breaker. When a GFCI detects potentially dangerous current it, like a breaker, trips in order to open the circuit. Now as to WHY, when you placed two GFCIs in series [one in the breaker panel feeding one in an electrical receptacle], the first GFCI tripped when the second GFCI is "tested." When you press the TEST BUTTON on a GFCI it puts a high resistance load on the circuit, which simulates a "small" ground fault, and I think both GFCIs "see" the same fault and react as designed and intended. Again, a true professional should "bless" my comments, but I think that there is no danger or hazard in placing two GFCIs in series. On the contrary, I think there is redundant capability in the pairing, with the first GFCI functioning with, and as a backup to, the second. I suggest you contact your local electrial inspection department regarding what the code(s) say about this issue, and also call the tech support people at the 800 number on the packaging for the GFCIs. Another source of information is a local electrical engineer, if you know someone who can help you make contact. Until a more informed answer comes along, I hope this helps you to understand the issues involved. <><><>

As always, if you are in doubt about what to do, the best advice anyone should give you is to call a licensed electrician to advise what work is needed.

Before you do any work yourself,

on electrical circuits, equipment or appliances,

always use a test meter to ensure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.




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It is not recommended to install two GFCIs in series as they can interfere with each other's operation and lead to potential tripping issues. It is best to have only one GFCI per circuit for proper functionality and protection against electrical hazards.

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Q: Can you put a GFCI into a circuit with an existing GFCI and what will happen if the two GFCIs are in a series circuit?
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Why do gfcis trip?

GFCIs can trip due to a ground fault, which occurs when electricity leaks from the circuit. This can happen if water or moisture gets into outlets, there is a wiring issue, or there is a fault in an appliance. Tripping is a safety feature that cuts off electricity to prevent electric shocks and fires.

Do you need GFCI protection in kitchen?

Yes, it is recommended to have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection in a kitchen. GFCIs help prevent electric shock by quickly shutting off power in the event of a ground fault or short circuit. They are typically required for outlets near sinks, countertops, and areas prone to moisture.

How do you wire a 120 volt gfci into a 240 volt three wire?

You can't. The 120 volt GFCI is probably just a 2-wire (hot, neutral and ground) You would have to run a new 3-wire (2 hots, neutral and ground). The two hots are how you get the 240 volts (120+120=240). Also you must make sure the wire is gauged properly. #10 wire for 30 amps, #12 wire for 20 amps, etc.

What safety devices that stop the flow of electric currents?

Safety devices that stop the flow of electric currents include circuit breakers, which automatically cut off power when overcurrents occur, and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), which detect imbalances in current flow and shut off power to prevent electric shocks. Additionally, fuses are devices designed to disrupt the flow of electricity in the event of excessive current.

How many gfci outlets can you have on one circuit?

You can have multiple GFCI outlets on one circuit; it is common to have them daisy-chained in a series. However, it is recommended to consult with a licensed electrician to ensure proper wiring and compliance with local electrical codes.

Related questions

What devices are used to protect people from an electric current?

Electrical devices such as circuit breakers, fuses, and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are commonly used to protect people from electric currents. Additionally, electrical insulation, such as rubber gloves and mats, can prevent electric shocks in specific situations.

How do you wire a 120 volt gfci into a 240 volt three wire?

You can't. The 120 volt GFCI is probably just a 2-wire (hot, neutral and ground) You would have to run a new 3-wire (2 hots, neutral and ground). The two hots are how you get the 240 volts (120+120=240). Also you must make sure the wire is gauged properly. #10 wire for 30 amps, #12 wire for 20 amps, etc.

GFCI circuitry checks for what?

Current Imbalance: GFCIs continuously monitor the current flowing in the &quot;hot&quot; (live) wire and compare it to the current returning in the &quot;neutral&quot; wire. If there is a difference of as little as 4-6 milliamperes (mA) between these currents, indicating that some current is not returning through the normal circuit path, the GFCI will trip and disconnect the power. Leakage to Ground: GFCIs are designed to detect any unintended flow of electricity to ground, which could be potentially hazardous. This can occur when there's a fault in an electrical device, damaged wiring, or when someone comes into contact with a live wire or conducts electricity to the ground. Rapid Response: GFCIs are engineered to respond quickly, typically tripping within milliseconds when they detect a ground fault. This rapid response helps prevent electric shocks and electrical fires.

How many gfci outlets can you have on one circuit?

You can have multiple GFCI outlets on one circuit; it is common to have them daisy-chained in a series. However, it is recommended to consult with a licensed electrician to ensure proper wiring and compliance with local electrical codes.

Can I install several GFCI outlets on one circuit as it would be difficult to find the first plug on the line?

Generally, no, as GFCIs are designed for one to be a "master" and have the others feed off of it.

Why do gfcis trip?

GFCIs can trip due to a ground fault, which occurs when electricity leaks from the circuit. This can happen if water or moisture gets into outlets, there is a wiring issue, or there is a fault in an appliance. Tripping is a safety feature that cuts off electricity to prevent electric shocks and fires.

How can you stop the water to conduct electricity?

To prevent water from conducting electricity, you can use water-proof insulation, such as rubber or plastic coatings, to cover the exposed electrical components. To further reduce the risk, you can also use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) which will automatically shut off the electrical circuit if they detect a change in current flow.

What are three electrical safety devices?

Three electrical safety devices are circuit breakers, ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), and surge protectors. Circuit breakers automatically interrupt power when an electrical fault is detected. GFCIs monitor the flow of electricity and trip the circuit if they detect a ground fault. Surge protectors protect devices from power surges by redirecting excess voltage to the ground.

What happens to voltage during a short to ground?

Basically, the same as if you had a short to neutral, since the neutral and ground are tied to the same bus bar in the breaker panel. The breaker should trip, or the fuse should blow. Supply of voltage then stops.See the answer to the Related Question about GFCIs - shown below - for information about circuit protection when even a small current flows to ground.

Where does a GFCI go?

A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) should be installed in areas where water is present, such as kitchens, bathrooms, outdoor outlets, and garages. It is important to have GFCIs near sinks, showers, and other water sources to prevent electric shocks.

Explain the rules for GFCIs in bathroom wire size wiring?

In bathrooms, GFCI protection is required for all receptacles to prevent the risk of electric shock near water sources. The wire size for GFCI-protected circuits is typically required to be 12-gauge copper wire to handle the higher current demands in bathrooms. This ensures safety and compliance with electrical codes.

How is a person protected from an electric shock when the heater is switched on?

A person is protected from electric shock when a heater is switched on by the design of the electrical system, such as proper grounding and insulation of wires. Additionally, using circuit breakers and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can help prevent electric shocks by quickly shutting off power in case of an electrical fault. It's also important for users to never touch the heater with wet hands or while standing in water.