millimetre centimetre, metre, kilometre . 10 millimetres equals 1 centimetre . 100 centimetres equals 1 metre . 1000 metres equals 1 kilometre .
The order of m,cm,mm,km and dm shortest to longest is as followed:1st - mm (millimeter)2nd - cm (centimeter)3rd - dm (decimeter)4th - m (meter)5th - km (kilometer)
From shortest to longest, these are arranged:centimetre (1 centimetre)inch (2.54 centimetres)foot (30.48 centimetres)yard (91.44 centimetres)metre (100 centimetres)hectometre (10000 centimetres)kilometre (100000 centimetres)mile (160934.4 centimetres)
Mercury is the shortest and Neptune is the longest
(The year is proportional to the distance to the power 1.5) In our solar system, Mercury has the shortest year. Neptune has the longest.
The order of colors from longest to shortest wavelength is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (ROYGBIV).
The order of m,cm,mm,km and dm shortest to longest is as followed:1st - mm (millimeter)2nd - cm (centimeter)3rd - dm (decimeter)4th - m (meter)5th - km (kilometer)
Meter is the longest and Centimeter is the shortest
(millimeter --) Centimeter -- inch -- foot -- yard -- meter -- (furlong -- ) kilometer ( -- mile )
Mile, kilometer, meter, yard, foot, inch, centimeter.
The longest of these measurements is 5 kilometres.
From shortest to longest: Centimeter Inch Foot Yard Meter Hectometer Mile
From shortest to longest, these are arranged:centimetre (1 centimetre)inch (2.54 centimetres)foot (30.48 centimetres)yard (91.44 centimetres)metre (100 centimetres)hectometre (10000 centimetres)kilometre (100000 centimetres)mile (160934.4 centimetres)
Mercury is the shortest and Neptune is the longest
''Mercury (shortest),''Neptune (longest)
Centimeter (cm), inch (in), foot (ft), yard (yd), meter (m), kilometer (km), mile (mi).
The shortest one is "ago"
the shortest is julia boyd