

Convert .01 amps to mili amps?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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1 Amps = 1000 miliamps

0.01 Amps = X

x= 0.01 X 1000 = 10 miliamps

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Q: Convert .01 amps to mili amps?
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depends on the type of transformer, does it have any markings? just type them into google or look for a capital a 'A' for amps or mA for mili amps.

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Amps is amps be it DC or AC.

How do convert watts to amps?

Watts are the product of amps x volts.

.01 amps equal how many volts?

Amps and volts are not the same, but related by Ohm's Law. Volts = Amps x Ohms. Ohms is a measure of resistance. Given .01 amps you would have to know resistance to calculate volts.

What is the formula to convert amps to volts?

Amps and volts are two separate parts of power measurement and do not convert into each other. Multiplying amps times volts will give you the measurement of wattage.

37.5 amps converted in watts?

To convert amps into watts a voltage is needed. Watts = Amps x Volts.

Can you convert 125 mm into meters?

mili means 0.001 so 125 mm=0.125 m