Since one US gallon is equal to 0.833 Imperial gallons, use this formula:
9 liters = 2.377 US gallons = 1.980 imperial gallons To convert from Liters to US Gallons, divide the number of litres by 3.7854. To convert from Liters to Imperial Gallons, divide the number of litres by 4.54609.
To convert liters to Imperial gallons, multiply by 0.22 So 6 litres would be 1.32 Imperial Gallons.1.5850323 gallonsSix liters = 1.59 US gallons
1000 liters = 264.172 US gallons = 219.969 imperial gallons264.17
To convert liters to gallons, you can use the conversion factor 1 liter is approximately equal to 0.264 gallons. Simply multiply 64.4 liters by 0.264 to get the equivalent volume in gallons. In this case, 64.4 liters is approximately equal to 17 gallons.
8 liters =2.113 US gallons1.760 imperial gallons
Multiply Imperial gallons by 1.2 to get US gallons.
There are 4.54609 litres in an imperial (UK) gallon and 3.78541 litres in a US liquid gallon and 4.40488 litres in a US dry gallon. To convert litres to any particular unit, multiply the number of gallons by the number of litres in that particular "flavor" of gallon to get your answer.One Gallon is 3.7854118 litres.For US measure, gallons x 3.785 = liters
71.8 US gallons = 59.79 Imperial ("English") gallons.
Formula: US gallons x 0.832 = Imperial ('Canadian') gallons
9 liters = 2.377 US gallons = 1.980 imperial gallons To convert from Liters to US Gallons, divide the number of litres by 3.7854. To convert from Liters to Imperial Gallons, divide the number of litres by 4.54609.
Easy to do. Use this formula:US gallons x 0.8327 = Imperial gallons
About 3.8 1000mL per US gallon.
To convert liters to Imperial gallons, multiply by 0.22 So 6 litres would be 1.32 Imperial Gallons.1.5850323 gallonsSix liters = 1.59 US gallons
1000 liters = 264.172 US gallons = 219.969 imperial gallons264.17
Use this formula: US gallons x 0.833 (or 0.83267384) = UK (Imperial) gallons
There are Imperial gallons and US gallons, the UK uses Imperial gallons as does most of the rest of the world.
11 Imperial pints = 1.37500 Imperial Gallons 11 Imperial pints = 1.65130683 US Gallons 11 US pints = 1.14492653 Imperial Gallons 11 US pints = 1.37500 US Gallons