Since one UK gallon is equal to about 1.201 US gallons, the conversion is:
To convert litres to gallons, you can use the conversion factor of 1 litre being approximately equal to 0.264 gallons. Simply multiply the number of litres by 0.264 to get the equivalent amount in gallons.
UK 48 fl oz = 5.76 cups US 48 fl oz = 6 cups
There are about 12.113 liters in 3.2 US gallons.To convert liters to gallons you need to know that there are about 3.785 liters in one US gallon. Therefore, use this conversion to convert gallons to liters:gallons x 3.785 = liters3.2 US gallons is 12.11 liters and 3.2 UK gallons is 14.55 liters.
To find the volume in gallons, first convert the dimensions to feet: 13 inches = 1.08 feet, 19 inches = 1.58 feet, and 48 inches = 4 feet. Then, multiply the dimensions (1.08 x 1.58 x 4 = 6.85 cubic feet). Finally, convert cubic feet to gallons (1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons), so the volume of the space is approximately 51.27 gallons.
There are approximately 0.58 gallons in 2.2 liters.
Use this formula: US gallons x 0.833 (or 0.83267384) = UK (Imperial) gallons
To convert from US Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 3.7854 To convert from UK Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 4.54609188.
There are 4.54609 litres in an imperial (UK) gallon and 3.78541 litres in a US liquid gallon and 4.40488 litres in a US dry gallon. To convert litres to any particular unit, multiply the number of gallons by the number of litres in that particular "flavor" of gallon to get your answer.One Gallon is 3.7854118 litres.For US measure, gallons x 3.785 = liters
To convert litres to gallons, you can use the conversion factor of 1 litre being approximately equal to 0.264 gallons. Simply multiply the number of litres by 0.264 to get the equivalent amount in gallons.
If you convert one metric ton of water to gallons, you would have 264.2 US gallons. This is equal to 220 UK gallons.
48 liters = 12.68 US gallons = 10.56 imperial gallons
UK 48 fl oz = 5.76 cups US 48 fl oz = 6 cups
27,154 US gallons = 22,610.43 Imperial (UK) gallons.
There are approximately 12.68 gallons in 48 liters.
One US gallon is equivalent to approximately 0.83 UK gallons.
1 US gallon ≈ 0.833 UK gallons ⇒ 35 US gallons ≈ 35 x 0.833 UK gallons ≈ 29.14 UK gallons
There are Imperial gallons and US gallons, the UK uses Imperial gallons as does most of the rest of the world.