To convert 5.30 ms to km/h, you can use the formula: km/h = (m/s) x 3.6. So, 5.30 m/s x 3.6 = 19.08 km/h.
Yes, 45 km/h is greater than 40 mph. To compare the two units, you should convert them to a common unit of measurement (such as km/h) for an accurate comparison.
191 mph = 307.385 kmh
33 mph = 53.11 km/h
That will be 155.35 mph. 1 kmh equals 0.62 mph Joseman The actual symbol is km/h brandonbob
You can do it with two steps. first convert kmh to cmh (centimeter per hour) by duplicate it by 1000. then, convert the cmh to cms (centimeter per second) by divide it by 3600. in other words, you can just multiply the kmh by (10/36) and get the equal value with cms units.
kmh to m/s formula n * 5/18 example: 100km/h convert to (n)m/s 100 * 5/18 = 27.7 m/s OR my way of doing this (much simpler): (km/h) / 3.6 = m/S example: (100km/h) / 3.6 = 27.8 m/s
initial velocity on xx=vi*cos(angle) 53.62 kmh 14.89 ms
I've gotten mine to about 80 mph i dont know how to convert it to kmh but the average 150rb will do about 70 to 75 mph
You don't. It's a completely different unit, they are derived from m/s(unit of velocity) and m/s2(unit of acceleration).
1 Mile is 1.6 Km, so divide by 1.6.
Multiply by 1.609344 km per mile. 65 mph = 104.607 km/h (rounded).
360000 ms
To convert 5.30 ms to km/h, you can use the formula: km/h = (m/s) x 3.6. So, 5.30 m/s x 3.6 = 19.08 km/h.
282.3 kmh