The space age is the era from the time men began to attempt to get into outer space until now, and beyond. The era of space travel.
The Space Age refers to the period of time starting from the first human-made objects launched into space in the late 1950s, particularly with the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. It encompasses the advancements in space exploration, technology, and research that have taken place since then.
"Define living space" usually refers to specifying the boundaries or parameters of an area where someone resides or uses for daily activities. It generally encompasses the physical space where individuals live, work, or spend leisure time, and can include areas like rooms in a house, an apartment, or a designated workspace.
The term niche is used to define the role an organism plays within a community.
The Term "Space" is defined as the unlimited expanse in which everything is located.
Acting space is the amount of space on a stage or wherever you are performing you can use to perform on.
Spaces and tabs are usually called "whitespace"
define the term "electromegnetism".
baseline on which figures appear to stand in artwork, usually term pertains to relief sculptures
; A shot in which there is little visible space around the main subjects. Source:
define the term sound
The art term for the space around an object is "negative space." It refers to the empty or unoccupied areas in a composition, which can be just as important as the object itself in creating visual interest and balance. Negative space helps define the boundaries of the object and can evoke different emotions or moods in a piece of art.
= Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?" =
the study of currency
What term?