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Note that "cm" is not a volume, so I'll assume you mean "cm3". 15 / 2 = 7.5 gm/cm3

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To find the density, divide the mass of the object by its volume. In this case, the density of the object is 15 g / 2 cm³, which equals 7.5 g/cm³.

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Q: Determine the density of each what objects - mass 15 g volume 2 cm?
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How do you determine the density of each 50 mL liquid container?

To determine the density of each 50 mL liquid container, you would first weigh the empty container. Next, fill the container with the liquid and weigh it again. The difference in weight between the filled and empty container can be used to calculate the density by dividing the weight of the liquid by the volume of the container.

Does it matter to have equal volume when comparing density?

No, it does not matter to have equal volume when comparing density. Density is an intrinsic property of a substance and is defined as mass per unit volume. Comparing densities is independent of the volume of the samples being compared.

What can density do?

Density can be used to identify substances, as each material has a unique density. It can also be used to determine the purity of a substance through comparing its density to a known value. Additionally, density plays a role in buoyancy, with less dense objects floating in more dense liquids.

Which measurement temperaturevolume or density gives you the most information about an objects identity?

Density gives you the most information about an object's identity because it is a property that is unique to each substance. Temperature and volume can vary depending on the conditions, but density remains constant for a specific material.

How do two objects with indentical volumes can have different densities?

Two objects with identical volumes can have different densities if they have different masses. Density is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume, so even if two objects occupy the same amount of space, they can have different densities if their masses are not the same.

Related questions

How do you determine the density of each 50 mL liquid container?

To determine the density of each 50 mL liquid container, you would first weigh the empty container. Next, fill the container with the liquid and weigh it again. The difference in weight between the filled and empty container can be used to calculate the density by dividing the weight of the liquid by the volume of the container.

How can diffreent objects have the same density?

Different objects can have the same density if they have different masses and volumes that balance each other out. For example, a small piece of iron and a larger piece of wood can have the same density if the iron is much denser but the wood is much larger in volume. Density is a function of both mass and volume, so objects can have different combinations of these two factors that result in the same density.

One object has the mass 1487 the second object has a mass of 878 g which object have the greater density?

To determine which object has greater density, divide the mass of each object by its volume. Since volume is not given, we cannot compare the densities of the two objects in this case.

Does it matter to have equal volume when comparing density?

No, it does not matter to have equal volume when comparing density. Density is an intrinsic property of a substance and is defined as mass per unit volume. Comparing densities is independent of the volume of the samples being compared.

How do you calculate two densities in order to find the density of the combined substances or objects?

To find the density of a combined substance or object, you can calculate the weighted average of the densities of the individual substances or objects. Multiply each density by its respective volume, sum these values, and then divide by the total volume of the combined substance or object. This will give you the overall density.

What can density do?

Density can be used to identify substances, as each material has a unique density. It can also be used to determine the purity of a substance through comparing its density to a known value. Additionally, density plays a role in buoyancy, with less dense objects floating in more dense liquids.

How are mass volume and density related to each other?

Density is defined as mass divided by volume. This means that density is directly proportional to mass and inversely proportional to volume. As mass increases, density also increases, while as volume increases, density decreases.

How can you tell when two liquids with the same volume which one has greater density?

You can determine which liquid has greater density by measuring the mass of equal volumes of each liquid. The liquid with greater mass per unit volume has higher density. Alternatively, you could also check their buoyancy when placed in the same container – the liquid that floats on top has lower density.

Will every object with the same dimensions have the same density?

No, objects with the same dimensions can have different densities depending on the material they are made of. Density is a physical property that is unique to each material and is determined by the mass of the object divided by its volume.

How are mass and density related to each other?

mass = volume x density

How can you obtain an objects volume if you know its density and its mass?

You can calculate the volume of an object by dividing its mass by its density. The formula to find volume is: Volume = Mass / Density. Make sure to use consistent units for mass and density to get the correct volume measurement.

How do you calculate volume with density and mass?

Density = Mass/Volume, with this equation, if two things are given the third can easily be calculated. In your question, you was volume when density and mass are given. So Volume = Mass/Density