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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

Isaac newton did not discover the pendulum. The pendulum was first described by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. Isaac Newton made significant contributions to physics and mathematics, but his work was mainly in the areas of motion, gravity, and optics.

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Did Isaac Newton discover feaces?

No. It was known about for many millennia before Newton was born

What did Isaac Newton discover about the moon?

no he only dicovered the moon

Did Isaac Newton discover how to measure volume?

not that I know of, if I'm right, it was Archimedes.

Which major force did isaac newton discover that allways affects us today?

Isaac Newton discovered the force of gravity, which continues to influence and affect us today.

What did Isaac Newton discover by accident?

Isaac Newton discovered the concept of gravity by accident when observing an apple fall from a tree, which led him to develop the law of universal gravitation.

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