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No. Cells do not have the same size nor the same shape.

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No, different cells can have different shapes depending on their function. Cells can be spherical, elongated, flat, or irregular in shape. The shape of a cell is often related to its specialized function in the body.

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Q: Do all cells have the same shape?
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All cells ARE NOT the same shape. Cells can be of diverse structures.

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Why don't all cells have the same shape?

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A botanist hypothesis that all onion cells have the same shape how would you go about veryfying or disproving this?

an onion cell is a plant cell, in which plant cells are rectangular shape and so are onion cells

Are all cell the same shape?

Not at all. They can range from most plant cells that are generally rectangular, to skeletal muscle cells that are generally long and cylindrical, to epithelial and nerve cells that have no defined shape, to amoeboids that are constantly changing their shape. Almost any shape you can imagine, you can probably find a cell that almost matches it.

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Do cells have the same shape?

No, all cells have different shapes. The blood cells and skin cells are definitely different! Also, plant and animal cells are different: plant cells are box-like shaped.

Does plants and animal cells have the same shape or the same chloroplasts or the cell membrane or cells have a tough wall?

No to all of the above. Plant and animal cells do not have the same shape. Plant cells have chloroplasts. Animal cells do not. Plants have a cell wall. Animal cells have a cell membrane. However there is one atom difference between a plant's chlorophyl and a human's hemoglobin. 53% of the DNA in a human and a banana tree is the same. Similarities exist.

What shape is the grass cell?

Like all plant cells, a grass cell is rectangular. Animal cells are rounder. However, they both have the same contents.

What is the common factor that muscle cells nerve cells and skin cells share?

a.they all have chloroplasts b.they all have the same shape c.they can be seen by there naked eye d.they only can be seen thougth a micscope

Is all the cells oval or round shapes?

Whether the cells are oval or round in shape would depend on the kind of cells. For example, the cells found in the cheeks of humans are all oval in shape.

Are all cells within the same plant the same?

No not all cells within the plant are the same. The reason is because not all cells in a leaf are the same