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Lose information.

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When you use statistics to reduce a population to a few characteristic numbers, you are simplifying the data by summarizing it into key measures like mean, median, and standard deviation. While you may lose some degree of detail and complexity in the process, you gain a clearer understanding of the population's central tendencies and variability, making it easier to draw insights and make informed decisions from the data.

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Q: Do you gain or loose information when you use statistics to reduce a population to a few characteristic numbers?
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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

The classification and collection of data that are in the form of numbers is called?

Quantitative data.

Does the population size increase or decrease at higher trophic levels in the pyramid of numbers of an ecosystem consisting of any herbivores and birds feeding on the insects?

Population sizes decrease at higher trophic levels. If they increased the insects population would decrease meaning there would be less food available for the birds so their population size would then decrease. Look at the relationships between predator and prey species for more information

Why was basis of classification of element in the periodic table changed from atomic mass to atomic number?

Mendeleev's periodic table was based on the atomic masses of elements. However, this was not effective when isotopes were discovered. An isotope of an element is defined as the element having the same atomic number but varying mass numbers. So, mass numbers weren't constant and hence, a better characteristic was chosen -atomic number. Atomic number of any element was a characteristic of a particular element. Hence atomic numbers were taken as the basis of classification instead of atomic masses.

What was the population of Japan after the earthquake?

The population of Japan after the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 remained relatively stable, with no significant change in total population numbers due to the disaster. Efforts were made to evacuate affected areas and support those displaced, but the overall population of Japan was not significantly impacted by the event.

The current situation of Hurricane Katrina?

The current situation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina is that the population is growing back to its original numbers. The neighborhoods have also recovered 90% of their population since 2005.

Related questions

Do you lose or gain information when you use statistics to reduce a population to a few characteristic numbers?

you lose information!becoz you can nearly exact the data based on the charateristic numbers

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Statistics or data set

In statistics what is the set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample or population?

Data Set

What are the set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample or population?

The general term statistics might be the set of numbers representing some sort of information from a sample population. The term data set can also be applied.

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Factual numbers in an almanac are data and statistics that are true and based on reliable sources. These numbers typically include information such as historical events, astronomical data, weather patterns, population figures, and economic indicators. Almanacs are known for providing accurate and up-to-date information for a wide range of topics.

What is the population of Frapelle?

As of the latest available data, the population of Frapelle, a commune in France, is estimated to be around 120 people. Please note that population numbers can fluctuate and it's best to refer to official statistics for the most up-to-date information.

What are facts and stactics?

Facts are objective information that can be proven true or false, while statistics are numerical data that can be used to analyze trends, patterns, and relationships within a population. Statistics can be used to interpret facts and provide insights into various phenomena.

What are the statistics for the Baltimore Ravens?

They are the numbers that detail the relevant information for each play in which the Ravens have been a participant.

What data uses specific numbers or amounts?

Financial data, scientific measurements, population statistics, and sports scores all use specific numbers or amounts in their presentation. These types of data depend on precise numerical values to convey information accurately.

Statistics in singular sense?

Statistics is the art of lying with numbers.

What is data and sample?

Data is commonly referred to the quantitative attributes of a variable. A data is nothing but a result of something. Through this result, the information is derived. Sometimes we refer to Raw Data which is unprocessed in nature which can mean a collection of numbers or characters that collect information and then convert from quantities to symbols. Sample, in statistics can mean a subset of a population. Population can be huge, so the sample can represent just a manageable size. Sample is first collected and then the statistics are derived from the sample. This process is known as Sampling.

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