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9mo ago

Spain primarily uses the Celsius scale for temperature measurement.

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Does Spain use Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Spain, like every country other than the US, uses Celsius.

What are examples of things you can measure in degrees Celsius?

You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.

How do you convert kiloPascals into Celsius?

You cannot. kiloPascals is a measure of PRESSURE. Celsius is a measure of TEMPERATURE.

What is 10 celsius to meters?

Degrees celsius can't be converted to meters. Degrees celsius measure temperature, while meters measure length.

Do thermometers measure in Celsius?

Thermometers can be calibrated to measure temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. Most common thermometers used for everyday purposes usually measure temperature in Celsius.

How are celsius and degree related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

Celsius is a unit of measure for what quantity?

Celsius is a unit of measure for temperature. It is commonly used in scientific and everyday contexts to measure temperature.

What can you measure in Celsius?


What is the distance from earth to the sun in Celsius?

Celsius is a measure of temperature, not distance.

How are degree Celsius temperature related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

Does Europe measure temperature by Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Celsius, darling :P

Is Celsius English or Metric measure?

Celsius is a metric measure used for temperature. It is a commonly used unit in the metric system to measure temperature, where water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius.