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Yes, a constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern or shape when viewed from Earth. These patterns are often connected by imaginary lines to represent a mythological figure, creature, or object.

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2w ago

Yes, a constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern or shape when viewed from Earth. These patterns are often connected by imaginary lines to represent a mythological figure, creature, or object.

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13y ago

A constellation is defined as a certain "area" in the sky - similar to the lines that divide countries on a continent. All the stars in that general direction are part of the constellation - millions of them, or billions or trillions, if you include stars that are faint enough.

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What is brand imaginary?

Brand imaginary refers to the collective associations, perceptions, and feelings that people have towards a brand. It includes factors such as brand personality, values, and emotions that a brand evokes in consumers. Building a strong brand imaginary can help create a unique identity and foster loyalty among customers.

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Cells can be connected in series to increase voltage. When cells are connected in series, the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the next cell, resulting in the voltages of each cell adding up to create a higher total voltage. This is commonly seen in batteries to increase the output voltage for various applications.

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Yes, both mitochondria and chloroplasts have compartments where hydrogen ions are actively pumped across a membrane to create a proton gradient. In mitochondria, this occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane, while in chloroplasts, it happens across the thylakoid membrane. The proton gradient generated is used to drive ATP production through oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and photosynthesis in chloroplasts.

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Yes, water in lagoons is typically salty because lagoons are usually connected to the ocean or seas, allowing saltwater to flow in and create a brackish environment.

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Imaginary play involves using your imagination to create scenarios, including pretending to have a baby. You can act out situations involving caring for a baby, talking to them, and imagining what they would need. It's all about using your creativity and having fun in make-believe scenarios.

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Does the constellation include only the stars connected by the imaginary lines that create a shape?

A constellation is defined as a certain "area" in the sky - similar to the lines that divide countries on a continent. All the stars in that general direction are part of the constellation - millions of them, or billions or trillions, if you include stars that are faint enough.

What makes up the constellation?

A constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern in the sky. These stars are typically connected by imaginary lines to create a specific shape or design. While many constellations are named after mythological figures or animals, they are actually just chance alignments of stars as seen from Earth.

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Since this is an imaginary friend, you can create your own imaginary foster home for the imaginary friend.

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People do not put stars into the constellations, unless you mean extend and include the stars you wish when you create a constellation. As telescopes unveiled more stars they had to be named by a decision of which constellation it was closer to.

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The root word of imaginary is "imagine," which means to create mental images or scenarios that are not necessarily real or concrete.

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The Aquila constellation does not create anything in the sky. It is a group of stars that form the shape of an eagle in the night sky. It is one of the 88 modern constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

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