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People will ADD tend to be rather impulsive in their decisions, and do not have a lot of self confidence so may need reassurance in all aspects of life. Also, ADD is something that appears in childhood. Therefore, a well-meaning parent, realizing that their child is very forgetful and is struggling, will constantly remind and correct the child as they mature. This can lead them to doubt their self-efficacy, and they will seek reassurance because of that.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Not necessarily. While individuals with ADD may struggle with decision-making due to impulsivity or distractibility, the need for reassurance may vary from person to person. Some individuals may benefit from having a support system or structured decision-making process to reduce uncertainty and increase confidence in their choices.

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Q: Does an adult with ADD constantly need reassurance about decisions?
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