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mass to volume ratio is nothing but density

density is inversely proportional to volume hence if volume decreases density will increase and vice-versa

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1w ago

No, changing the volume of a substance does not alter its mass to volume ratio. The mass to volume ratio, also known as density, remains constant regardless of the volume of the substance. Density is a physical property that is intrinsic to the material and is not affected by changes in volume.

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Q: Does changing the volume of a particular substance change its mass to volume ratio?
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What properties of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes 1 mass 2 volume 3 temperature?

The mass of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes. The temperature of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes. However, the volume of a substance may change when the amount of the substance changes, depending on the conditions.

What are 2 physical properities that can can vary even when the substance with these properties does not change?

Density and volume are two physical properties that can vary even when the substance does not change. The density of a substance can vary depending on the pressure and temperature, while the volume can change with the shape or container that holds the substance.

Can you change the mass of a substance if you distort its shape?

The mass of a substance is not dependent upon the shape of the substance - it is directly related only to volume through its density. Therefore, just because you squash a cube of something into a flat oval, the mass of the substance shouldn't change because the overall volume hasn't changed.

When a substance undergoes a phase change it still has a definite A mass B shape C volume D temperature?

C. volume. During a phase change, the substance's volume remains constant even though there may be a change in its mass, shape, or temperature.

Does changing the volume of water chang the density?

Density = mass / volume. So if the volume changes, the density will obviously also change.

Related questions

How can you change density of a substance?

You can change the density of a substance by changing its volume. Density is equivalent to mass over volume. So changing the volume affects density.

What is a property of a substance that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance?

Anything that has mass and occupies volume is called matter. In any substance its volume can vary but the mass is its intrinsic property. Mass of a particular substance remains the same anywhere we go but that is not the case for weight of a substance.

How could density be used to determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance?

To determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance using density, you would multiply the density of the substance by the volume of the sample. The resulting value would give you the mass of the substance based on the known density and volume relationship (mass = density x volume).

How can you change the overall density of an object?

In a simple way, since density = mass /volume, the density of an object can be changed by changing either mass or volume of an object .

How can density be altered?

Density can be altered by changing the mass or volume of an object. Increasing the mass while keeping the volume constant will increase the density, while increasing the volume while keeping the mass constant will decrease the density.

What means the number of particles in a particular volume and substance?


How can volume change if a substance undergoes a chemical change?

If a substance undergoes a chemical change, its properties change. For example, water, when heated turns into a gas which has a higher volume.

How can density be changed without changing the make up of the substance?

reduce the volume of the substance by compression or increase the volume of the substance by decompression This assumes the substance is compressible, such as air. In the case of water, you can't.

What properties of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes 1 mass 2 volume 3 temperature?

The mass of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes. The temperature of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes. However, the volume of a substance may change when the amount of the substance changes, depending on the conditions.

How could density be used to determine the mass of particular volume of a substance?

In a set volume of any substance increasing the density increases its mass

Does the volume of an object change if heated?

The volume of a substance increases when heated

What is changing shape but not changing volume?

A cloud would be an example of something changing shape but not changing volume. As a cloud moves and disperses, its shape can change while the total volume of its water droplets remains the same.