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Yes. cause 0 degrees celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit

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3w ago

Yes, evaporation can occur at 0 degrees Celsius, but at a slower rate compared to higher temperatures. As long as there is enough heat energy for molecules to break free from the liquid surface, evaporation can still take place.

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Q: Does evaporation take place at 0 degrees celsius?
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Reactions in cells take place at about?

Reactions in cells typically take place at a temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius, which is the normal body temperature for most organisms. This temperature is optimal for the enzymes and proteins involved in cellular reactions to function efficiently.

Why and how does evaporation take place below zero degree celsius?

Evaporation can occur below zero degrees Celsius through a process called sublimation. In sublimation, a solid transitions directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid. This happens when the air is dry and has very low humidity levels, causing ice or snow to turn directly into water vapor.

Does evaporation cannot take place in the dark?

Yes, evaporation can take place in the dark, in fact evaporation can take place any place and anytime. It is the factors in the environment that helps speed up the process evaporation. Heat, area of exposed surface and agitation (such as stirring). Therefore evaporation can still take place in dark but only slower.

What form does water take at negative 20 degrees Celsius?

Water is a solid at -20 degrees Celsius

Will evaporation take place only when the surrounding temperature is 25 degrees?

Evaporation can occur at any temperature, but it generally happens faster at higher temperatures. Warmer temperatures provide more energy for water molecules to escape into the air as vapor.

How long does it take to freeze 4 cups of water at 17 degrees Celsius?

The time it takes to freeze 4 cups of water at 17 degrees Celsius will depend on factors such as the temperature of the freezer, the container the water is in, and the efficiency of the freezer. In general, it could take several hours to freeze completely.

Which must be present in the water cycle for evaporation to take place?

For evaporation to take place there must be some form of heat. This is heat from the sun

Where in the water cycle does evaporation take place?

Evaporation occurs when water from oceans, lakes, and rivers is heated by the sun and turns into water vapor, rising into the atmosphere. This process is a key part of the water cycle where water is constantly evaporating and condensing to form clouds and precipitation.

Can evaporation take place in the dark?

Yes, evaporation can take place in the dark. Evaporation is a physical process in which liquid water molecules at the surface gain enough energy to escape into the air as water vapor, regardless of the presence of light.

About how long will it take for 100ml of water to evaporate at normal room temperature (about 23-25 degrees Celsius) not in direct sunlight in a well ventilated room?

The evaporation rate can vary, but approximately it might take around 1-2 days for 100ml of water to evaporate in a well-ventilated room at normal room temperature (about 23-25 degrees Celsius). The factors affecting the rate of evaporation include humidity levels, ventilation, and surface area exposed to the air.

Where does evaporation take place in a liquid?

Evaporation takes place at the surface of a liquid where molecules have enough energy to break free from the liquid phase and become a gas. It occurs when the molecules at the surface gain sufficient kinetic energy to escape into the air.

Would the water cycle exist on Earth if the boiling point of water was 200 celsius?

No, because then process of evaporation would not take place. Thus, halting the rest of the process.