Miles measure length, square miles measure area, and cubic miles measure volume.
To find the length of a rectangular prism, you need to measure the longest side of the prism. This is usually referred to as the length. It is an essential measurement when calculating the volume or surface area of the prism.
The conversion from square meters to cubic meters is not straightforward as you would need another dimension in addition to area to convert to volume. Square meters measure area (length x width) whereas cubic meters measure volume (length x width x height). To convert square meters to cubic meters, you would need a height dimension (such as meters) to calculate the volume.
200 square miles is equivalent to 518.04 square kilometers.
Since square meters measure area and cubic meters measure volume, the conversion is not possible without knowing the height or depth of the space in question. Square meters cannot be directly converted to cubic meters without an additional dimension.
That depends a great deal on the size of the lake and what of the many aspects you would like to measure. Let's take Lake Michigan. I would measure the... width and length in miles surface area in square miles depth in feet volume in cubic miles retention time in years elevation in feet pollutants in parts per million
You can't. Cubic miles is a measure of volume and square miles is a measure of area.
They are used to measure quantities that are not basic. Length, for example, is a basic unit, but area and volume are not so derived units will be used to measure area and volume.
You can't. Miles is a measure of length. Acres is a measure of area.
Only if they are SQUARE miles; otherwise, they measure length (distance), height or depth.
They are used to measure quantities that are not basic. Length, for example, is a basic unit, but area and volume are not so derived units will be used to measure area and volume.
An area (a 2-dimensional measure) has no volume (3-dimensions) in the same way that a line (1-dimension) has length, but no area, .
A mile is a measure of length. An acre is a measure of area.
The answer depends on what characteristic you wish to measure: its length, base area, volume, mass, density, optical density, temperature, and so on.
You can't. One is a measure of area the other it a measure of length.
You can't. Square miles are a measure of area. Miles are a measure of length/distance. You cannot convert between the two.
It's a measure of weight ! A kilogram is a unit of weight !
Cubic inches are a measure of volume, square inches a measure of area and inches a measure of length.