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It is called an ellipse.

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4w ago

The shape of Earth's orbit is an ellipse.

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Q: Earth's orbit us shaped like a flattened circle. What is the name of that shape?
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What is A flattened circle that is the earths orbit?

All orbits are ellipses. You might describe an ellipse as a "flattened circle", but mathematically, a circle is a special version of an ellipse in which both foci are at the same spot.

What does the shape of an ellipse describe to us?

The path of an object in orbit around another object. It's a "conical section", shaped like a circle, but "flattened" in one direction (a circle can be considered a special case of an ellipse). An ellipse has two focal points.

What is the shape of the orbit of the earth and other planets?

Oval or elliptical shaped. (Not a perfect circle)

Which is larger the earth or the earths orbit?

The Earth's orbit is much larger than Earth itself. Earth's orbit around the Sun has a radius of about 93 million miles, while the diameter of Earth is just under 8,000 miles.

What is earths orbit circumferance?

The Earth's orbit circumference is approximately 940 million kilometers. It takes the Earth about 365.25 days to complete one orbit around the Sun.

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Earths Orbit? Earths Orbit?

An oval like shape that is used to describe the orbit of planets?

An elliptical orbit is a flattened circle or oval-like shape followed by a planet as it travels around the sun. It is a common shape observed in celestial bodies' paths due to the gravitational pull between them.

Does mars orbit the sun in a circle shape?

No. A circle is an unstable shape for an object orbiting another. An orbit is between slightly and very elliptical (egg-shaped). If an object is placed in a circular orbit, the orbit will quickly deteriorate to an elliptical orbit. Added: Mar's elliptical eccentricity is rather above average for a planetary orbit. Not quite as large as Mercury, but large enough.

Is earths orbit around the sun unusual?

Earth's orbit around the sun is fairly typical compared to other planets in our solar system. It follows an elliptical path, with the sun at one of the foci. The shape and orientation of Earth's orbit contribute to the changing seasons and variations in solar intensity.

Explain the difference in the earths climate change when the earths orbit changes from elliptical to circular?

Earth's eccentricity Eccentricity is defined as the difference in shape between an ellipse and a perfect circle. In a similar fashion to Earth's obliquity, the more uniform Earth's orbit is (more like a perfect circle), the less difference there is in climate change throughout the year.

What do changes in Earths orbit affect?

earths tempertures

The planet with the orbit closest to Earths orbit is?
