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An example of work done on a system is when a computer's operating system is upgraded to a newer version. This involves installing new software, updating existing programs, and configuring settings to improve performance and security. The work done on the system aims to enhance functionality and overall user experience.

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Q: Example of work done on a system?
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Can work done on a system decrease its thermal energy?

Yes. As an example: if you define a refrigerator as your system, the work done on the system causes heat to be expelled from the system to the surroundings. The net heat expelled will be equal to the work input plus the decrease in its thermal energy.

When a system is doing work what happens to its temperature?

When a system is doing work, it can either increase or decrease in temperature depending on the type of work being done. If work is done on the system, its temperature may increase due to the input of energy. Conversely, if the system is doing work on its surroundings, it may lose energy and decrease in temperature.

What is the first law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open system showing the meaning of the positive and negative sign of heat and work?

The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. For a closed system, heat added to the system is positive if it is absorbed by the system, and negative if it is released by the system. Work done by the system is positive if the system does work on its surroundings, and negative if work is done on the system. For an open system, the same principles apply but heat and work may also account for changes in the system's mass flow.

If work is don adiabatically on a system will the internal energy increase or decrease?

If work is done adiabatically on a system, the internal energy will increase. This is because adiabatic processes do not involve the exchange of heat with the surroundings, so any work done on the system will directly contribute to an increase in its internal energy.

When is work done positive?

There are two conventions. One says that work done on the system is positive, the other says that work done by the system is positive. Chemists tend to use the former, physicists tend to use the latter... one of several reasons it's not a good idea to take thermodynamics in chemistry and physics at the same time.

Related questions

Can work done on a system decrease its thermal energy?

Yes. As an example: if you define a refrigerator as your system, the work done on the system causes heat to be expelled from the system to the surroundings. The net heat expelled will be equal to the work input plus the decrease in its thermal energy.

Is the work done by the system is considered as positive or on the system is considered as positive?

In thermodynamics, work done by the system is considered positive. Work done on the system is considered negative.

Work done on the system is?

work done on the system: when a surrounding does work on the system the total energy increases so work done is positive..........

Expansion happens because?

there is too much pressure in a system. example, a system which has done work and releases heat will expand itself

How do you determine a work done is positive sign or negative sign?

If work is done on the system then it has a negative sign. If work is done by the system then it has a positive sign.

How can you find the initial velocity form the work done on a system?

To find the initial velocity from the work done on a system, you can use the work-energy principle. The work done on the system is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the system. By equating the work done to the change in kinetic energy and solving for the initial velocity, you can find the initial velocity of the system.

When work is done by a system an no heat added to it the temperature of the system?

When work is done by a system with no heat added, the temperature of the system generally decreases. This is due to the fact that work done by the system often involves the system losing energy in the form of work, causing its internal energy and therefore its temperature to decrease.

Can work be done on a system if there is no motion?


What happens to the temperature when work is done on the system by pushing it?

When work is done on a system by pushing it, the internal energy of the system increases, leading to an increase in temperature. The work done increases the kinetic energy of the particles in the system, causing them to move faster and leading to an increase in temperature.

What happens to internal energy when mechanical work is done?

When mechanical work is done, the internal energy of a system can change. If work is done on the system, the internal energy increases. Conversely, if work is done by the system, the internal energy decreases. This change in internal energy is governed by the first law of thermodynamics.

A energy is?

Energy is the potential to do some work. If there is work done on a system, this work done is stored as potential energy of the system. If the system in motion, it should have kinetic energy. Hence total energy of the system PE+KE

when work is done on a system by an external force, the system?

When work is done by an external force, the system will have more energy in it than it did before.