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The formula you are looking for is I = W/E.

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1mo ago

To find the amps when watts and voltage are known, you can use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts. Simply divide the power in watts by the voltage to get the amperage.

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Q: Find amp's when watts and voltage is known?
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5000 watts at 240 volt will draw how many amps?

To find amps if watts and volts are known, use the formula; watts / volts = amps or 5000 / 240 = 20.83 amps

How many amps does a 50 watt bulb use?

You just have to divide the watts by the voltage to find the amps. For example 60 watts on a 120 v system would take ½ amp.

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To find the power in watts, multiply the current (5.0 amps) by the voltage (which is needed to provide the full power calculation). Without voltage information, we can't determine the power in watts solely from current (amps).

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None or a million, it depends on the voltage. Multiply the amps by the volts to find the watts.

What is power in electricity?

Watts otherwise known as VA which is voltage X Amps

What in power in electricity?

Watts otherwise known as VA which is voltage X Amps

37.5 amps converted in watts?

To convert amps to watts, you also need the voltage. The formula to calculate power in watts is Watts = Amps x Volts. If the voltage is 120V, then 37.5A would be equivalent to 4500W (37.5A x 120V = 4500W).

How Many Amps is 1400mA?

watts = amps (times) voltage watts (divided by) voltage = amps 140 (div by) 120 = 1.66 140 (div by) 125 = 1.12

How many amps does 3000 watts pull?

Using the equation Volts X Amps = Watts, you can take 3000 watts / Volts to get your answer: 3000W/240V = 12.5A or 3000W/120V = 25A So, at 240 volts you will use 12.5 amps for 3000 watts of power. Or at 120 volts you will use 25 watts.

How many watts in 10 amps?

To calculate watts, you can multiply the amperage by the voltage (Watts = Amps x Volts). If we assume a standard voltage of 120 volts in a household circuit, then 10 amps would be equal to 1200 watts (10 amps x 120 volts).

How many amp are in 4800 watts?

The formula you are looking for is I = W/E. As you can see the voltage has to be known to answer the question.

What is ac power and ac voltage?

AC power is electricially, a value that is expressed in watts and voltage is the electromotive force that combined with amps, makes up the formula to find watts. Watts is the product of Amps x Volts. W = amps x volts.