The SI unit of length is the meter. Multiply the number of light-years by 9.5 x 1015.
The SI standard unit for length is the meter (m).
587 light years is a unit of distance, not time. It represents the distance that light travels in 587 years.
Light years or parsecs
* The SI unit for speed is meters/second. This unit doesn't have any special name.* In general, you can use any unit of length, divided by any unit of time.
Light-year is a unit of distance, so that is the distance.If you want to convert that to the standard unit of distance, i.e. meters, you can multiply the number of light-years by 9.5 x 10 to the power 15.
It doesn't make sense to convert that. A light-year is a unit of distance, not a unit of time. A light-year is the distancelight travels in a year.
Since 1 light year is the distance light travels in one year, to convert 30 light years to Earth years, you simply use the value of 1 light year. So, 30 light years is equal to 30 Earth years.
You can convert between the units.
The star won't normally "travel the 37 light-years to Earth". 37 light-years would most likely be the distance from the star to Earth; it takes light from the star 37 years to reach us. Please note that a light-year is a unit of distance; it is NOT a unit of time. To convert from light-years to kilometers, multiply the number of light-years by 9.5 x 1012.
Feet is a standard unit of measurement mostly used in the American culture. The metric system will convert 6.2 feet into the 1.88976 meters which is the metric unit of measure.
Typically any unit conversions you need you can type it into Google Calculator. Using this method, I get 4.7302642 x 1013 km.
A light-year is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.
The SI unit of length is the meter. Multiply the number of light-years by 9.5 x 1015.
The SI standard unit for length is the meter (m).
if you mean 5.427 g/cm^3, just change the unit to g/mL, and it is standard for density.