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Expression vectors contain translation start and termination codons. Moreover, it contains promoter region

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To determine if a plasmid is a donor vector or an expression vector, you typically look at the features present in the plasmid. Donor vectors are usually used for cloning purposes and contain features like antibiotic resistance genes and cloning sites. Expression vectors, on the other hand, typically have additional elements like promoters, selection markers, and tags for protein expression. Analyzing the sequence and reading the vector map can also provide insight into its intended use.

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Q: How can you know donored-vector is cloning vector or expression vector?
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If an object is speeding up to the right what direction does its velocity vector point?

The velocity vector of an object that is speeding up to the right points in the same direction, to the right. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction, so as the object accelerates, the velocity vector will align with the direction of motion.

What advantages in cloning have been made since Dolly was cloned?

Since Dolly's cloning, advancements in cloning technology have led to improved efficiency, higher success rates, and increased understanding of the process. Techniques such as somatic cell nuclear transfer and induced pluripotent stem cells have expanded the scope and applications of cloning in areas such as regenerative medicine and agricultural breeding. Overall, these advancements have made cloning a more accessible and practical tool in various fields of research.

What is the resultant of two displacements?

The shortest distance from start to finish.

What is what is asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is with two parents needed to have Asexual reproduction is with one parent needed like cloning I know this from my health teacher she is fun pay attention in class 8th grader answered

What can cause a change in the expression of a gene?

Changes in the environment, such as temperature or exposure to toxins, can alter gene expression. Additionally, mutations in the DNA sequence or changes in the regulation of gene expression by transcription factors can also impact gene expression levels.

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i dont know whahahaha

How does cloning affect society?

> What are the social impacts of cloning animals None so far. The idea that a prize racehorse or milk cow or steer can be cloned hasn't had much of an impact. Cat and dog cloning are too expensive to be of much impact. ...and cloning leopard frogs? Hey, most people don't even know about that. Nobody really knows if cloning could affect our society but, we may never know and it could have been underneath our noses the whole entire time!

When cloning will they be identical?

Due to the fact that we can not clone people yet, we don't know yet, but from what we know, yes.

What is do you know about expression?

An algebraic expression does not contain an equality sign. Acting is a form of "expression".

What two quantities are neccesarz to determine a vector quantities?

To determine a vector quantity, you need both magnitude (size or length of the vector) and direction. These two quantities are essential for describing a vector completely in a given reference frame.

How do you do cross products?

You need to know that the cross product of two vectors is a vector perpendicular to both vectors. It is defined only in 3 space. The formula to find the cross product of vector a (vector a=[a1,a2,a3]) and vector b (vector b=[b1,b2,b3]) is: vector a x vector b = [a2b3-a3b2,a3b1-a1b3,a1b2-a2b1]

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Momentum is a vector quantity. We know that momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and velocity has direction. That makes velocity a vector quantity. And the product of a scalar quantity and a vector quantity is a vector quantity.

What is vector images?

i dont know why are you asking me you. sad guy