The deepest man-made borehole in the world is the Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russia, 1989) at 12,262 meters (7.6 miles). The deepest natural ocean depth is about 6.8 miles (11000 meters), in the Marianas Trench near Guam.
The Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia holds the record for the deepest hole ever drilled, reaching a depth of about 7.5 miles (12 kilometers). It was drilled for scientific research purposes to study the Earth's crust and mantle.
The deepest man-made hole in the Earth is located in the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia. The depth achieved from the surface was 12,262 meters, roughly 7.5 miles. The 9" bore hole was created by a rotating bit spun by the pumping of drilling mud. Unexpectedly high temperatures caused the stoppage of the drilling in 1994, 24 years after drilling was started. The goal of the Russians was to drill to the Moho, the boundary between the crust and the mantle, but the goal was not reached.
See the link below for additional very interesting information on the project.
The deepest point in any ocean is the Mariana Trench (aka Challenger Deep) in the western Pacific Ocean at 11,033 metres deep.
Challenger deep
This can be answered in two ways.Man has gone "in person" as deep as the deepest mine, TauTona in Carletonville, South Africa at 3.9 kilometres.Boreholes have been made even deeper.The present holder of this record is the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia. It reached 12.262 kilometres in 1989.
No, scientists have not yet drilled into the Earth's lower mantle. This region of the Earth is located about 400 to 1,800 miles below the surface, making it extremely difficult to reach with current drilling technology. The deepest hole ever drilled, the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, only reached about 7.5 miles deep.
The world's widest river is the Amazon, extending six miles wide in some places.
The Philippine Deep is located in the western North Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Philippines. It is one of the deepest parts of the earth's oceans, reaching depths of over 10,000 meters.
By "biggest" do you mean largest in volume, or simply the deepest? The deepest hole yet dug is called the Kola Borehole and is a bit over 40,000 feet (12,262 meters) deep.
That is hard to say because not all holes are even seen. The deepest hole was probably dug by some sort of burrowing animal or insect.
The superlative form of the word "deep" is "deepest".
The deepest ocean is 36,200ft deep
The Pacific Ocean has the deepest point in the Challanger Deep.
The merced river is about 5 ft deep at its deepest point.
23cm deep
the worlds deepest bunker is at the Awana Kijal golf course in Malaysia I have played the 18 hole beach front golf course a number of times now and it is claimed to be the deepest at 15m deep, it also doubles as a water hazard when the tide is in!
That is the correct spelling of "deepest" (most deep, or innermost).
The second deepest "hole" after the Marianas trench is the Philippine Trench. Once thought to be deepest until further measurements were made in the Marianas trench.
The South Pacific Ocean is 35,797 feet deep at it's deepest point. This means that the deepest point is 10,911 meters deep.
Not that deep 2 to 3 centimetre