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Sir Isaac newton used algebra in his development of calculus, specifically in the study of limits, derivatives, and integrals. He applied algebraic techniques to solve complex problems in physics and mathematics, laying the foundation for modern calculus.

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According to, Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643. However, another calendar was also in use when Newton was born that recorded his birthdate as December 25, 1642. Which date was used depended on what region of Europe one was located in and which calendar was in use in that region.

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What evidence did sir isaac newton use to support his particle explanation of light?

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Did Sir Isaac Newton use max planck constant first?

No, Sir Isaac Newton lived before Max Planck and the concept of Planck's constant was developed much later in the early 20th century as part of quantum mechanics. Newton lived in the 17th century and made significant contributions to classical physics, particularly in the fields of optics, mechanics, and mathematics.