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Newton's work on planetary orbits was based on Copernicus's theory and used the details given by Kepler in the three laws of planetary motion.

Newton also developed laws of motion of objects when acted on by forces, the science of dynamics. Galileo founded this science with his ideas of inertia and forces based on experiments he conducted.

Galileo also had ideas about orbits but these did not contribute directly to the development of orbital theory.

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1mo ago

Newton's work on universal gravitation provided a mathematical framework to explain the motion of planets proposed by Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Newton's laws of motion and law of universal gravitation helped reinforce and build upon the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus and the laws of planetary motion established by Kepler. Galileo's observations of celestial bodies also aligned with Newton's laws, providing further support for the accuracy of Newtonian physics.

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9y ago

Copernicus put forward a new theory of the planets that put the Sun at the centre, with the Earth orbiting round it just like all the other five known planets. This challenged the old Ptolemaic system and it also challenged the church's teaching, which worried Copernicus and his book 'De Revolutionibus' was not published until the year he died, 1543.
Galielo took up the Copernican theory after observing the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus with his telescope, which he believed showed a fault in the Ptolemaic system. He started a dispute about the Copernican system with the catholic church authorities, and was eventually forced to recant for lack of enough proper evidence supporting it at that time.
Kepler took part of the Copernican system, the part that puts the Sun at the centre, and produced a new model based on observations made by Tycho Brahe with unprecedented accuracy. The planets were now in elliptical orbits following Kepler's three laws, published in 1609. These were based entirely on observations and he had no idea why the planets followed his laws.
In 1687 Newton had done a lot of theoretical work and published his famous 'Principia' in which he described the laws of motion and the newly discovered differential calculus, as well as the inverse-square law of gravity. He was able to use these to show by detailed mathematics that an object in orbit round a massive object, under the force of gravity, must follow an elliptical orbit, with the massive object at one focus, just as Kepler had found for the planets.

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9y ago

Newton's work on gravity and the laws of motion were used to show that a planet in the Sun's gravitational field must follow an elliptical orbit. This supported Kepler's theory, and eventually the old theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe (Galileo supported Copernicus's theory) were consigned to the history books.

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9y ago

Newton's work supported Kepler's laws of planetary motion by explaining the physical mechanism that keeps the planets in their elliptical orbits in detail.

Kepler's theory replaced the earlier theory of Copernicus but retained the idea of having the Sun at the centre.

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9y ago

Newton's work on gravity and early dynamics supported Johannes Kepler's theory of the Solar System to a high degree of accuracy. In the late 1600s Newton was able to show theoretically that a planet moving under the inverse-square force of gravity must follow an elliptical orbit that conforms to Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.

Although Copernicus's earlier theory (promoted by Galileo) is now history, it was an important conceptual step on the way to developing Kepler's theory. Copernicus's idea of having the Sun at the centre was used by Kepler in devising the new theory of 1609 that we use now.

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12y ago

Isaac newton used Galileo's theories and ideas.

Galileo got his theories/ideas from Copernicus

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11y ago

Newton's work supported that of early workers like Copernicus Kepler and Galileo in the sense that the work supported the same line of theories regarding earth's gravitational field.

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4y ago

Galileo also got his ideas from scientific observation...telescope!!!

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