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both imperial and metric system is used but scientist use the metric system the most.the metric system is also called the international system also known as the SI unit.

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9mo ago

The metric system is used in many scientific fields and industries in the US, such as in laboratories, engineering, and international trade. However, the US primarily uses the Imperial system for everyday measurements like distance, weight, and volume.

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12y ago

More or less interchangeably with the english system,

except for drugs.

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Q: How do the US use the metric system?
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The US does not use the metric system.

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The Metric System.

Does Canada use the Metric System?

Yes, we use the Metric system. Celsius, Metres, and all that. Although most of us can use either system.

Does the us use the customary system?

Yes they do use only the metric system

Does the us use the metric or feet system?

Every civilised country in the world uses the metric system.

What year did the US legalise the use of metric system?

In 1869Congress legalized the use of the metric system. In 1893 the Office of Weights and Measures adopted the metric system in legally defining the yard and the pound.

Why does the US teach their students the metric system if they do not use it?

The US teaches the metric system to students to help them understand and communicate with the rest of the world, where the metric system is widely used. Additionally, many scientific fields in the US use the metric system, so it's important for students to be familiar with it for academic and professional purposes.

Why does the US use both the metric system and the standard system?

the government thinks that it would be hard for older people to learn the metric system.

Does Germany use Metric or US costumary system?

Germany, in line with the rest of the world except the U.S., uses the metric system.

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When collecting data and doing experiment what system of measurement do most scientists use?

Metric system