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it helped us because they past down their traditions

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Q: How do the achievements of the early civilizations in the Americas affect us today?
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Human habitation of the Americas began approximately?

Human habitation of the Americas began approximately 15,000 years ago, with evidence pointing to early human migrations from Asia across the Bering land bridge. This is supported by archaeological findings of early civilizations such as the Clovis culture in North America and the ancient indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica and South America.

What geographical features of mesoamerica made it a good location for the development of early civilizations in Americas?

Mesoamerica had abundant fertile land, diverse landscapes, and a temperate climate that supported agriculture. The region also had access to important resources such as obsidian, jade, and cocoa. Additionally, the presence of natural barriers like mountains and dense jungles provided protection and isolation for early civilizations to flourish.

Why did East Africa's early trading civilizations develop on or near a coastline?

East Africa's early trading civilizations developed on or near a coastline because access to the sea allowed for easier transportation of goods, facilitated trade with distant regions, and enabled cultural exchange with other maritime civilizations. Coastal areas also provided resources such as fish and other marine products that supported the growth of these early civilizations.

What other metals besides bronze did early civilizations learn to use and in what order?

Early civilizations also learned to use copper, iron, gold, and silver. Copper was likely the first metal used, followed by bronze, then iron. Gold and silver were used mainly for decorative and ceremonial purposes.

What were early natural magnets known as?

Early natural magnets were known as lodestones. These rocks were discovered by ancient civilizations and were the first natural magnets used for navigation and other purposes.

Related questions

What advances did early civilizations in the Americas make?

The Native American civilizations such as the Mayan & Aztec are known for their very accurate calendars.

What circumstances helped the civilizations and diverse cultures of the Americas to develop in ways both common and unique.?

Circumstances that helped the civilizations and diverse cultures of the Americas to develop in ways both common and unique are the early civilizations of the Americas created such vast empires with an advanced form of thinking and living. These civilizations lacked some of the essential tools that the Asian civilizations depended on to form there amazing empires.

How did European exploration affect early civilizations in Latin America?

Extermination and enslavement.

How did a desire to find gold and riches affect early exploration in the America?

how did a desire to find gold and riches affect early exploration in the americas

What did mesoamerican civilizations have in common?

well many would take to long to list sorry

What circumstances helped the civilizations and diverse cultures of the Americas to develop in ways both common and unique ways?

Circumstances that helped the civilizations and diverse cultures of the Americas to develop in ways both common and unique are the early civilizations of the Americas created such vast empires with an advanced form of thinking and living. These civilizations lacked some of the essential tools that the Asian civilizations depended on to form there amazing empires.

Cuneiforms and hieroglyphics were important achievements in the development of what?

Writing systems, specifically an early stage in the development an alphabetic writing system. i

Where did early civilizations begin?

the early civilizations began in Africa but most exact in Zambia

What did the spanish bring to the Americas that caused destruction of the early civilizations?

The Spanish brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza that decimated the local populations due to lack of immunity. They also introduced forced labor systems, warfare, and exploitation of resources that contributed to the destruction of early civilizations in the Americas.

How did the environment affect the early civilization of the Americas?

The natural environment surrounding humankind has profoundly shaped different human civilizations. In ancient times, the presence of a river such as the Nile in Egypt enabled one of the most remarkable civilizations in recorded history to maintain itself over many centuries. The geographic location of Rome, as another example, was decisively influential in its rise to the status of imperial super-power in ancient times.

The economy of early civilizations was based around .?

The economy of early civilizations was based around agriculture.

What are some causes of cultural diffusion and how did it affect early civilizations?

Some causes of cultural diffusion was when different people traded with each other and when they moved. It affected the early civilizations because they kept spreading ideas around the world and was constantly changing other ideas.