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The antipode is the point Y diametrically opposite point X on the earth's surface. Think of sticking a knitting needle through the globe piercing the surface at point X and going through the center of the earth. Where it breaks out on the opposite side of the world is the antipode: point Y. Many American (and English) children grew up being told that if they dug a deep enough hole in their backyards they would pop out in China -- but that is patently false.

If X is in the northern hemisphere, then Y is in the southern, and vice versa. A place and its antipode are found at the same number of degrees of latitude away from the equator. The antipode of the North Pole -- 90 degrees N, is the South Pole -- 90 degrees S.

Lat X North = Lat Y South; and Lat X South = Lat Y North

The Longitude of point Y is 180 degrees around the globe from the Longitude of point X.

180 - Long X East = Long Y West

180 - Long X West = Long Y East

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1mo ago

To calculate antipodes, you can use the formula: latitude = -1 * (original latitude) and longitude = 180 ± (original longitude). This will give you the coordinates directly opposite a given location on Earth's surface.

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