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1mile/3minutes times 60minutes/1hour so 1x60 divided by 3=20mph

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4mo ago

To convert 1 mile over 3 minutes to miles per hour, first find how many miles are covered in 1 hour (60 minutes). To do this, you can multiply 1 mile by 20 (since 3 minutes goes into 60 minutes 20 times). Therefore, 1 mile over 3 minutes is equivalent to 20 miles per hour.

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11.25 miles per hour ============= Solution Method: ----------------- There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. We often say there are 60 minutes per hour. We express this relationship mathematically as: 60 min/hr To convert miles/min to miles/hr, do the following: 1.5 miles/8 min * 60 min/1 hr = 1.5 * 60 / 8 = 11.25 miles/hr (average speed) * Note: minutes cancel in the numerator & denominator). ---------------- Original answer: Just over 12 miles per hour.

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the unit is miles/hour= miles over hours lol i hope ur like 12

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