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Derivitives of a velocity : time graph are acceleration and distance travelled.

Acceleration = velocity change / time ( slope of the graph )

a = (v - u) / t

Distance travelled = average velocity between two time values * time (area under the graph)

s = ((v - u) / 2) * t

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1w ago

To develop the general velocity equation from a velocity vs. time graph, you can determine the slope of the graph at any given point, which represents the acceleration. Integrating the acceleration with respect to time gives you the velocity equation that relates velocity to time. The integration constant can be determined using initial conditions or additional information from the graph.

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How does kinetic energy relate to potential energy?

Think of potential energy as stored energy, and kinetic energy as energy that puts an object in motion (i.e., increases the magnitude of velocity). In general you can set them equal to each other, to for example determine the velocity an object will be atLet U = kinetic energy and K = kinetic energyU = mgh (mass, gravity, height)K = (1/2)mv2 (mass, velocity)If you set U and K equal to each other.U = Kmgh = (1/2)mv2masses cancel out leaving you withv2= 2gh (or about 20h)The higher an object is from the surface of the ground, the more potential energy it has. Looking at the equation I listed, you can see velocity get's higher as height increases. The velocity in this equation is what velocity it would be at the instant the object hit the surface.

Why average velocity of molecules of a gas is zero but the square of average velocity is not zero?

It depends on the sign of velocities. For example, if there are two velocities 7 and -7 m/s then the average velocity of the molecules will be 0. But, the square will be 49. The general thing here is that even if a velocity is negative, the square of EVERY velocity irrespective of the sign is positive i.e., squaring always removes the negative sign.

What is a kinematics equation that uses acceleration final velocity distance and time but not initial velocity?

One kinematic equation that relates acceleration (a), final velocity (v), distance (d), and time (t) is: v^2 = u^2 + 2ad where: v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity (which is not included in this equation), a is the acceleration, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time taken.

Does Light have a speed or a velocity speed of light or velocity of light?

Light travels at a constant speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. This speed is often referred to as the "speed of light." Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so the velocity of light would depend on the direction in which the light is traveling.

What is the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity?

The product of an object's mass and velocity is known as momentum. Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. It is often denoted by the symbol "p."

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Would instantaneous velocity yield the same value as average velocity?

Instantaneous velocity and average velocity are not the same. Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at a specific moment in time, while average velocity is the total displacement over a given time interval. In general, they will not have the same value unless the motion is at a constant velocity.

How do you find the final velocity of a car when given its velocity acceleration and time?

The general technique is: Select a helpful equation from among the plethora to be found in your Physics text.Here comes one now:Final speed = (initial speed) + [ (acceleration) x (time) ]

How do you derive the equation e equals mc2?

E=mc2 is derived from the equation for kinetic energy Ke = mv2. The mathematics and concepts of special and general relativity shows that the absolute maximum velocity anything can have is the speed of light. The maximum amount of energy anything can possess is simply calculated from its mass and this maximum velocity squared.

Does Light have a speed or a velocity speed of light or velocity of light?

Light travels at a constant speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. This speed is often referred to as the "speed of light." Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so the velocity of light would depend on the direction in which the light is traveling.

What is the minimum steam velocity necessary to carry all siazes of sediments?

The minimum steam velocity necessary to carry all sizes of sediments is called the critical velocity. This velocity is influenced by factors such as sediment size, shape, and density. In general, a higher velocity is required to transport larger and denser sediments.

How do you find the initial velocity?

In kinemetics, i learnt that as long as you have three unknowns, you can solve the problem. If you know the distance, d; time, t; and final velocity, vf; you can figure out vi.average velocity = total distance / total timeso d/t = (vi+vf)/22d/t = vi + vf(2d/t) - vf = vihope this helped .good luckRemember that this only works if the acceleration is constant.-Manvith N

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Acceleration is calculated using velocity because acceleration measures the rate at which an object's velocity changes. By calculating the change in velocity over a specific time interval, we can determine the acceleration of an object, which helps us understand how quickly its velocity is increasing or decreasing.

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in general velocity = mass x acceleration

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The critical velocity for a 3-inch hose depends on the fluid flowing through it. In general, critical velocity is the velocity at which the flow changes from laminar to turbulent. It can be calculated using the Reynolds number for the specific fluid and hose diameter.

A vector is a quanitity with magnitude and?

A vector quantity is a physical quantity having magnitude and direction both. For e.g. velocity is a vector quantity and in physics it is velocity is generally denoted as: v (bar) = 2i+3j+4k where in general, i=velocity in x-direction j=velocity in y-direction k=velocity in z-direction 2,3 and 4 are magnitudes respective to their directions.

How does kinetic energy relate to potential energy?

Think of potential energy as stored energy, and kinetic energy as energy that puts an object in motion (i.e., increases the magnitude of velocity). In general you can set them equal to each other, to for example determine the velocity an object will be atLet U = kinetic energy and K = kinetic energyU = mgh (mass, gravity, height)K = (1/2)mv2 (mass, velocity)If you set U and K equal to each other.U = Kmgh = (1/2)mv2masses cancel out leaving you withv2= 2gh (or about 20h)The higher an object is from the surface of the ground, the more potential energy it has. Looking at the equation I listed, you can see velocity get's higher as height increases. The velocity in this equation is what velocity it would be at the instant the object hit the surface.

What is the velocity of mechanical wave?

The velocity of a mechanical wave depends on the medium through which it is traveling. In general, the velocity of a mechanical wave is determined by the properties of the medium, such as its density and elasticity. Mechanical waves travel faster in stiffer and denser mediums.