The units parts per billion, or ppb, works just like percent, except that instead of being out of 100, it is out of 1,000,000,000 (1 x 109)
For instance, if the concentration of a certain molecule is 5 ppb, that means for every billion molecules in the mixture, only five are that one molecule.
So to convert ppb to a percent, divide by 1 x 107.
You can also use parts per million (ppm), which is out of 1 x 106, or parts per trillion, ppt, which is out of 1 x 1012.
1 ppm = 1x10-6 parts per parts
1 ppb = 1x10-9 parts per parts
1 ppt = 1x10-12 parts per parts
1 ppm = 1x103 ppb = 1x106 ppt
Most gaseous atmospheric contaminants are measured in parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb). These units provide a way to express the concentration of a contaminant in relation to the total volume of air.
PPBV stands for parts per billion by volume, which is a unit used to measure the concentration of a gas or airborne pollutant in the atmosphere. It represents one part of the gas in one billion parts of the total mixture. It is commonly used in environmental monitoring and air quality assessments.
Parts per million (ppm) is commonly used for very dilute solutions. It represents the number of parts of solute per one million parts of solution. Another unit that can be used is parts per billion (ppb) for even more dilute solutions.
Another way to express the concentration of a glucose solution that is 0.01 percent by weight is as 100 parts per million (ppm). This means there are 100 grams of glucose in 1 million grams of solution.
1000 ppm stands for "parts per million" and is used to express the concentration of a substance in a solution. In this case, it means that there are 1000 units of the substance for every million units of the solution.
Parts per Million and Parts per Billion. Parts of a solute per Million parts of the Solvent.
Gas concentration is often expressed in parts per million.
PPB stands for parts per billion and is used to measure the concentration of a substance in a mixture. PPM stands for parts per million, and is another unit of measurement like ppb, but represents a higher concentration in a mixture.
Most gaseous atmospheric contaminants are measured in parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb). These units provide a way to express the concentration of a contaminant in relation to the total volume of air.
Oceanographers and scientists most often express salinity in units of parts per thousand (ppt). This unit is commonly used to measure the concentration of salts in seawater.
Nickel is an element. Therefore, in any nickel item it is 1 billion parts per 1 billion or 1 million parts per million.
PPBV stands for parts per billion by volume, which is a unit used to measure the concentration of a gas or airborne pollutant in the atmosphere. It represents one part of the gas in one billion parts of the total mixture. It is commonly used in environmental monitoring and air quality assessments.
Parts Per Billion - 2014 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
Helium is present in the Earth's crust, mainly sourced from the decay of radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium. The concentration of helium in the Earth's crust is estimated to be around 8 parts per million.
Parts per million (ppm) by volume is a unit of measurement used to express the concentration of a substance in a gas as a ratio of the volume of the substance to the total volume of the gas. It is calculated as the volume of the substance divided by the total volume of the mixture multiplied by one million.
Parts per million (ppm) is commonly used for very dilute solutions. It represents the number of parts of solute per one million parts of solution. Another unit that can be used is parts per billion (ppb) for even more dilute solutions.
50ppb is equal to 0.05ppm