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The question is meaningless. A radius is not a measurement unit. A radius can be thousands of miles or thousandths of a mile.

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Q: How do you find how many radius is one mile?
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You can find out how many feet that are in a mile by researching the question carefully. This is an algebra question and 1 mile has 5,280 feet in it. It all has to do with the math, there are 12 inches in a foot, how many feet are in a mile, that would be 5,280 feet in a mile because miles x 5,280 = feet.

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One mile is 1760 yards. Thus, we divide 1760 by 6, and find that a sixth of a mile is 293.33 yards.

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I don't know what your local area is but there are several reputable military schools in the US and this site lists them by state so you can easily find one near you.

1760 yards are in how many miles?

Exactly one mile.