what you do is run towards the pins with the bowl and toss it at the back of the pins and grab a bowl and throw it at the owner of the place
what you do is make sure you have a bowling ball that is the right size for you, then you throw it straight at the pins and hope for a strike!!!!
In Bowling, a strike is achieved by knocking down all 10 pins with the first ball rolled in a frame. When a strike occurs, it is marked as an "X" on the scorecard and awarded 10 points plus the total of the next two rolls. It is considered the best outcome in a frame.
For beginners a strike in bowling is when you knock down all ten pins on your first shot in a frame. The easiest way to get a strike for right handed bowlers is to roll the ball into the 1-3 pocket. The 1-3 pocket is the space between the headpin and the first pin to the right(the 3 pin). For left handed bowlers you would aim for the 1-2 pocket, much like the 1-3 pocket but the 2 pin is on the left side of the headpin. For advanced bowlers, the angle at which you hit the pocket determines if you will strike, if you come in with too much angle you might leave an 8 or 9 pin but if you don't come in with good angle and you are "flat" you risk leaving a corner pin (the 7 pin or 10 pin)
A strike is a thing they called by a umpier in history, a strike would be when someone stops work to get better pay, or shorter hours or to even force an employer to agree to meet some other demand.
kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. When the bowling ball is released and rolls towards the pins, it carries kinetic energy that is transferred upon impact, causing the pins to move.
A thunderstorm does not strike anything, it is "lightening" that does that.
Off peak in bowling refers to times of the day when there are fewer customers or less demand for lanes, typically during weekdays or earlier in the day. Bowling centers often offer discounted rates or special deals during off-peak hours to attract customers and fill up lanes.
It typically takes about 110-130 Newtons of force to knock over a standard 15-inch-tall bowling pin. This force can vary depending on factors such as the weight of the bowling ball and the angle at which it strikes the pin.
A strike is when you strike out
Silver Strike Bowling happened in 2004.
Silver Strike Bowling was created in 2004.
you got a strike
There are 10 frames in bowling. If you get a strike or spare in the 10th frame you get additional shot(s) -- 1 for spare and 2 for strike.
Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.
You can say "faire un strike" in French to mean "get a strike" in bowling.
one in 52
baseball bowling meeting
The third strike bowled in a row is usually called a Turkey.