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The best way to keep your neopet happy is to play with it using a toy. Click on the toy in your inventory, then select "Play with [pet's name]."

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9mo ago

To keep your Neopet happy, make sure to feed them regularly, play with them using toys or games, take them to the Neolodge for a good rest, and keep them healthy by visiting the Healing Springs when needed. It's also important to provide a comfortable living environment by decorating their Neohome and fulfilling their specific needs based on their species.

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What year was McDonald serving Neopet with their Happy Meal?

The Neopet Happy Meal toy line ran in 2004 from May 28th to June 24th. It was one of the most ambitious toy line for Happy Meals at that time with over 109 different toy designs and they included 15 different game cards.

How do you change your Neopet's mood?

If you mean from content to happy or something like that, just buy your neopet a cool toy to play with. :) you can obtain them from the local plushie shop in the neopet central. Some cheap toys are: pinixy keyring, red tuskaninny plushie, and blue mynci plushie.

Can you adopt a neopet and still keep your old one?

Yes. You Can Have Up To 4 Neopets.

Your Neopet is unhappy what do you do?

You can make it happy by playing Kacheek Seek, Cure it if it is sick, Give toys to it to play with or feed it if it is hungry.

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The 'hungriest' a Neopet will get, is the 'Dying' status.

What is the best Neopet to fight with?

the best neopet is bori for fighting add me on neopets @brushcrush12

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Where do you get an neopets?

Hover over "My Account" in the top menu, then select "Create a Neopet" and you can select the Neopet you want from there.