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Any substance at a temperature of 10,000o Celsius is a glowing gas (called a plasma). It is possible to analyse the light that this emits, by means of a spectrometer, and to determine the temperature that way.

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4w ago

One common method is to use a radiation pyrometer, which measures the amount of infrared radiation emitted by the hot object and converts it into a temperature reading. Another method is to use a thermocouple, which is a device that generates a voltage in response to heat and can be calibrated to provide a temperature measurement. It is important to use specialized equipment rated for high temperatures when measuring temperatures as high as 10000 degrees Celsius.

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Q: How do you measure temperature of 10000 degree celsius?
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What happens when matter is heated to extreme temperatures greater than 10000 degree Celsius?

When matter is heated to extreme temperatures greater than 10,000 degrees Celsius, it typically undergoes changes such as ionization, where atoms lose their electrons, leading to the formation of a plasma state. This extreme heating can also cause matter to emit light across various wavelengths, which is often observed as a glowing or incandescent effect. Additionally, at such high temperatures, chemical bonds within the matter can break down, leading to further dissociation and recombination of atoms and molecules.

In Fahrenheit is the sun 10000 degrees?

The Sun's outer layer called the photosphere has a temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius or 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Deep within the core of the Sun the temperature is 15,000,000 degrees Celsius or 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is equal to 10000 degrees celsius?

10000 degrees Celsius is equal to 18,032 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can metals fracture after being sub degree temperature?

The phrase "sub degree" does not have any real meaning. At a sub 10000 degrees C temperature all metals would be molten and, being in liquid form, they cannot fracture.

What is 10000 degrees Celsius translated in degrees Fahrenheit?

10000ºC = 18,032ºF

Which is hotter 10000 degrees Celsius or 5000 degrees Celsius?

10,000 degrees celsius. Source: School taught it to me even though I would think it is a no brainer.

How do you write 10000 as decimal?

10000 or 10000. Although it may also be written as 10000.0, the second version implies a greater degree of accuracy.

What is the boiling point of water above 10000 feet?

90.82 degrees Celsius

How hot is 1200 C in Fahrenheit?

1200 Celsius = 2192 Fahrenheit .

What is the temperature of the Tyrrhenian Sea?

10000 degrees