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su (will change user to root)

sudo command (will run command as root)

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1mo ago

You can obtain root permissions in Linux by using the "sudo" command before executing a command that requires elevated privileges. This allows you to temporarily act as the root user to perform administrative tasks. Alternatively, you can switch to the root user using the "su" command by entering the root user's password.

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What do you understand from file permissions?

@Linux : for an example : for a file named " lastlog " Here are its permissions : -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29492 Dec 1 15:12 lastlog Which means-- here( r )stands for -----Read (w)stands for -----Write and (x)stands for -----Execute Permissions respectively In Detail: User has rw- Permissions(read,write permissions and no execute permission) Group has r-- Permissions and Others have r-- Permissions for the file lastlog* . Extra info : root root ----Means that it is owned by root user(first root) and it belongs to group root (second root). Hope it helped.

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Linux Mint, like Ubuntu and most other Debian-based distros, do not enable the root account by default. If you need root permissions to do something, enter the commandsudo [whatever program you want to run]and enter your password when prompted.

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Create a file and set it's permissions to 222

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The "reboot" command or "init 6" or (On systemd machines.) "systemctl reboot." Please note that to restart from a terminal you must have some way of using root permissions, either you're a sudoer or you know root's password and can su into root or log in as root directly. Normal users actually do not, in Linux, have the permissions to affect runlevels, which includes shutting down or rebooting the computer. The reason a normal user can do this from a desktop is through the use of PolicyKit or systemd's logind infrastructure.

What does binary file permission 6 indicate in Linux?

File permissions in Linux are not represented in binary format, but rather octal format. The first digit represents owner permissions, second digit is group permissions, and the final one is permissions for everyone. Read permissions are assigned a 4, write permissions are assigned a 2, and execute permissions are assigned a 1. A 6 permission allows read and write (4+2).

What is the name of the administrator equivalent account in Linux?

Technically, there is none. Different groups for accounts can be created based on the type of permissions they have. User accounts are then assigned to one or more of these accounts based on what permissions the system administrator wants them to have. There is a group called "admin", but it does not work in the same way as the Administrator group. People sometimes cite that the "root" account is the equivalent, but this is incorrect. The root account is never used directly on a properly-designed Linux system. Users in the "admin" group can perform tasks with root permissions, but they must enter credentials whenever they need to do so; Administrators in Windows do not.

What are the three standard linux permissions?

read, write, execute

What Linux command sets a files permission?

In Linux the chmod command is used to set file permissions.

What are some common problems faced by Linux system administrators?

One common problem that is faced by Linux system administrators is not understanding permissions. Not backing up critical configuration files and not choosing good root passwords are other problems new Linux system administrators may face.

How do you find user permissions in Linux?

Type the following command# ls -l

Which sign represents the root partition in Linux?

the sign for root partition in linux is : /

What are permissions that are allocated with the directories in Linux?

Permissions are allocated based on users and groups, with read, write, and executable privileges being capable of being set.