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When the last digit of a significant digit is 5, you always round up.

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Q: How do you round up or down when the last digit of significant digit is 5?
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If you add several numbers how many significant figures can the sum have?

The number whose farthest right significant digit determines it. Whatever place that digit is in is the last significant digit in the sum. For example: 433 + 150 + 3.67 + 8000 = 8586.67, but in sig figs this is only 9000, as the thousands digit is the lowest digit that can be represented.

How many significant figures are in temperatures?

Significant figures are basically the amount of digits in a number. E.g. 2.576 has 4 significant figures 32.545 has 5 significant figures Zeroes before the first non-zero digit and after the last non-zero digit are not counted as significant figures. E.g. 0067.4 has 3 significant figures 67.400 has 3 significant figures 0067.400 has 3 significant figures. In case of thermometer measurement of normal temperatures maximum three digits are significant because most of the thermometers indicate one digit after decimal; as 37.4.

How do you use millimeters to round to the nearest centimeter?

If the last two digits of your number expressed in mm is 50 or higher, round up. If 49 or lower, round down.

When you are making measurements how should you estimate the last significant digit?

int num = 12345; int lastDigit = num % 10; // = 5

How do you round numbers to 3 significant figures?

There are three rules that are used when rounding to a desired number of significant digits (figures): 1. All digits that are not zero, are significant 2. In a number that does not have a decimal point, all zeros between two non-zero digits are significant digits 3. In a number that has a decimal point, all zeros after the leftmost non-zero digit are significant Examples: 12345 rounded to 3 significant digits: 12300, or 1.23 x 104 12.345 rounded to 3 significant digits: 12.3, or 1.23 x 101 0.012345 rounded to 3 significant digits: 0.0123, or 1.23 x 10-2 0.012045 rounded to 3 significant digits: 0.0120, or 1.20 x 10-2 In the last example the zero after 2 is significant. That is the reason for keeping it in the result when rewriting it in powers of 10 notation.

Related questions

How do you round the last digit of a number?

If the last digit is a 5-9 you round up. Ex: 585 go up to 590. If the last digit is 1-4 you round down ex: 584 go down to 580

When estimating do you round up or down?

when the last digit is 4 or under, round down. "five or above, give it a shove" round up.

How do you round 64.2 to the nearest whole number?

As the last digit is a 2, it will round down giving 64 as the answer.

What is round to the nearest 10 on31?

you round up on a number if the last digit is 5 thru 9 you round down if the last digit is 4 thru 1 therefore 31 rounded to the nearest ten is 30

Is the next to last digit of any measurement is between o and 5 the end digit should be rounded down?

0-4 round down. 5-9 round up. The place of the rounded digit will depend on what place you are rounding to.

What does 35.5 round to the nearest whole number?

If the last digit were between .1 and .4 you would round down to 35. But if the last digit is .5 or higher (between .5 and .9) you round up to 36. So the answer is 36.

How do you round 1764 to the nearest ten?

We look at the last digit. As it is between 0 and 4, we round down. That gives the answer to be 1760.

How do you round 12.9887 to three significant figures?

Simply cut off the extra numbers while rounding the last digit: 13.0

what is 6811.09 rounded to the nearest ten?

It is 6810 rounded to the nearest ten

How do you round 19.623 to the nearest cent?

The last digit is a 3, so the number rounds down, giving 19.62 as the answer.

How do I round 101.24 to 1 decimal place?

you round the last digit which is 4 to its nearest unit which goes down to 0, so the answer will become 101.2.

When you round a number what should you do with the digit to the right?

Throw it away. That's what rounding means.Before doing so, though, depending on the rounding method you're using you may need to look at it. In general you round the last digit kept down if the next digit is 0-4, and round the last digit kept up if the next digit is 5-9, but there are some fiddly little details that result in a variety of methods.