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Answer #1:

Shooting two azimuths from different locations to find out where a target

object is by where the lines cross on a map. Alternatively, shooting azimuths

to two different objects to find out where YOU are.


Answer #1.5 :

You are standing on one riverbank. There is a tree on the other riverbank.

You want to know the width of the river. People have tried stretching a

tape measure across it. None of them was ever seen again. You have to

come up with a better way to measure it. You will triangulate it.

-- Stand somewhere roughly opposite the tree. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Jam a bright red stick into the ground between your feet.

-- From there, with your tape measure, walk along the riverbank, mark exactly

100-ft from where you started, and set up your tripod there. Look through

your spotting scope and find the red stick in the ground on your side of the

river. Then measure the angle you have to turn the scope in order to spot the

tree on the other riverbank. Write down the angle in your notebook.

-- Go back to the red stick. Walk along the riverbank in the opposite direction,

mark exactly 100-ft that way, and set up your tripod there. Look through the

scope again and find the red stick in the ground on your side of the river. Then

measure the angle you have to turn the scope in order to spot the tree on the

other riverbank. Write that one down in your notebook too.

-- You have laid out a triangle. The three points that make the triangle are the

tree and the two points 100-ft in each direction from the red stick.

-- On your side of the river, you know the length of the triangle's 'base' ... it's 200 feet ...

and you know the angle of the triangle at each end of the base.

-- With that information and just a tiny bit of trigonometry, you can calculate the

width of the river at the place where the tree is ... it's the height (altitude) of the

triangle. You can do all the calculating indoors, with a pencil and paper, and it's

as accurate as your measurements of the 100-ft lengths and the two angles were.

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10y ago
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4mo ago

Triangulation is commonly used in research to ensure validity and reliability of data by comparing different sources or methods. It involves using multiple perspectives or data sources to corroborate findings and enhance the credibility of the research outcomes. By triangulating data, researchers can minimize bias and improve the overall robustness of their conclusions.

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14y ago

Triangulation is used to compute the location of a point. For example, say you have three points on a piece of graph paper. You know the location of two points and the magnitude of the angles formed by the lines that join the points. Using math you can compute the location of the third point.

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12y ago

You need three liner measurements to locate anything in space, which the measurements share a vector. and from these measurements you can trianguate the location of anything.

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10y ago

Triangulation is a process of locating a certain point by measuring the distance between that point and other points. A compass is used for triangulation to measure angles.

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14y ago

trangulation is a way of determining something's location using the locations of other things.

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Why do electric pylons have triangulation?

Triangulation is used to determine the position of points on the Earth's surface, including pylons. Pylons use triangles in their construction because a triangle is a very strong and stable structure.

Why is triangulation an excellent way of building structures?

Triangulation is an excellent way of building structures because it provides stability and support by distributing loads evenly throughout the structure. The triangular shape is inherently strong and resistant to forces such as compression and tension, making it ideal for constructing sturdy buildings and bridges. Additionally, triangulation allows for efficient use of materials and can help in minimizing the overall weight of the structure.

Triangulation refers to the?

Triangulation refers to the method of using multiple data sources or methods to corroborate findings and ensure validity in research or investigations. By comparing and contrasting information from different sources, triangulation helps researchers to strengthen the reliability and credibility of their conclusions.

Why do you need three seismic to find epicenter of an earthquake?

Triangulation for accuracy. The method is called "triangulation" ... same method used by GPS units to coordinate the exact locations. Please see the related question for more information.

What is triangulation Earthquakes?

Triangulation in earthquakes refers to the method of determining the exact location of an earthquake epicenter by using data from at least three seismic stations. By measuring the time it takes for seismic waves to reach each station, seismologists can pinpoint the location where the waves originated. This triangulation method helps provide accurate information about the earthquake's epicenter and other characteristics.

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Does the Brooklyn bridge use triangulation?

Yes the Brooklyn bridge does use triangulation. If you want proof look at a really big picture or use this link below. Zoom in and you can see the triangulation at the sides.

What famous buildings use triangulation?

Eiffel tower

Is there any cell phone with triangulation technology?

Yes. GSM phones (phones sold by T-Mobile and AT&T) use triangulation.

Can you use triangulation in a sentence?

Triangulation of the exact location of any given thing has become much easier with the development of satellite technology.

How do you use deca in a sentence?

I have deca fish! I ran a triangulation

Is Triangulation primarily used to measure the distance of close stars?

Answer #1:no=================Answer #2:Yes.Another answer: The primary use of triangulation may not be to measure the distance of stars, but the method which is used to measure the distance of close stars is primarily triangulation.

How do astronomers use trigonometry?

One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.

How does triangulation work in structures?

A triangulation data structure is a data structure designed to handle the representation of a two dimensional triangulation. Triangulation is the one who is responsible for the creation and removal of faces and vertices (memory management).

What has the author Walter F Reynolds written?

Walter F. Reynolds has written: 'Triangulation in Maine' -- subject(s): Triangulation, Geodesy 'First-order triangulation in southeast Alaska' -- subject(s): Triangulation, Geodesy

Why do electric pylons have triangulation?

Triangulation is used to determine the position of points on the Earth's surface, including pylons. Pylons use triangles in their construction because a triangle is a very strong and stable structure.

What are the difference between traversing survey and triangulation survey?

Traverse survey can change to any shape which accommodate a great deal of different terrain while Triangulation survey is fixed to use of triangles