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When I was in school learning to derive that fact, it took vector calculus

and some pretty serious geometry to do it.

The answer can't be presented here, for 3 main reasons that I know of:

1). Vector calculus is somewhat beyond the scope of this website.

2). I don't remember how to do it.

3). I don't have any other simpler way to explain it.

More information: Newton's Law of Gravitation is part of it and some calculus is needed, but the most important thing is the fact that "angular momentum" must be conserved. I would say that it is the "law of conservation of angular momentum" that explains this phenomenon (which is "Kepler's second law of planetary motion").

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Q: How does Newtons law of gravitation explain why a planet would sweep out equal amounts of area in equal amounts of time?
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Because the planets are close enough to the sun to be affected by its gravitational field.

Would a magnet stick to the moon?

Yes, just as it sticks to planet Earth. Not because of its magnetism, but because of the force of gravitation.Yes, just as it sticks to planet Earth. Not because of its magnetism, but because of the force of gravitation.Yes, just as it sticks to planet Earth. Not because of its magnetism, but because of the force of gravitation.Yes, just as it sticks to planet Earth. Not because of its magnetism, but because of the force of gravitation.

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There are probably meteors, small asteroids, or tiny comets that might weigh 1225 newtonson the surface of a moon or planet, but no "planet" would. There are people who weigh morethan that!